Can't stand him - Myung Jaehyun

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Tae Chuhee's pov
I sighed looking at this month's score board.

Damn it! 2nd again?

I looked at his name written on the first rank's place. Now he'll again tease me to death.

"Hey loser!" I looked at the smirking boy standing in front of my locker.

Did he just smirked at me?!

Oh how badly I wish I had a book to smack him in the face.

"What do you want, you brat?" I asked uninterested.

"I'm guessing you saw the scoreboard. That's why you are so sad." Jaehyun said laughing.

"Go away Jaehyun." I said shaking my head.

"What if I don't want to, sweetheart?" He said making me raise my eyebrow at him.

"Who the fuck are you calling sweetheart?" I said glaring at him.

"You of course! Why? You don't like it?" He asked smiling at me tauntingly.

"Oh god please leave me alone. I don't have time for your shit." I rolled my eyes pushing him away from my locker.

He laughed leaving to go to his own locker.

I swear to god I'll kill him if he pisses me off one more time.

I took my books and left for my class.

Time skip
Myung Jaehyun's pov
I laughed walking inside my classroom.

"What happened why are you laughing?" Sungho asked looking at me as if I came from Mars.

"Uhh I pissed off Chuhee again." I said.

"Oh god let her live peacefully!" Sunoo said shaking his head.

"Never! It's fun. And it's not like I'm bullying her? I only tease her! It's just healthy rivalry!" I said and laughed.

"Well maybe not healthy.......but you get it right?" I continued.

"You are out of your mind." Sanghyeok said.

I looked at Chuhee who just walked inside our class. We made eye contact making me look away immediately.

Wtf?! Why do I suddenly feel hot?

Time skip to a month later
Myung Jaehyun's pov
I was walking towards my locker when suddenly some pulled my hand and pinned me to one of the lockers.


I stared at her with wide eyes.

"W-What are y-you doing?" I asked.

Fuck! Why did I stutter?!

She just smiled showing me the photo of this month's score board.

Her name was on the top while mine was just below her.

"I won darling." She said smirking making me blush a little.

Wait- did I just blush-


Author : I had so much fun writing this-

I think my favourite genre is rivals to lovers!

Think of this as a New Year's gift? Hehe.

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