Betrayed - Myung Jaehyun

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Requested by : hakhappens !


Tae Chuhee's pov
I walked slowly through the palace in my peasant dress. I looked around cautiously as I can't afford to let my father know about this.

I let out a sigh of relief after finally sneaking out from the palace.

I ran in the forest to avoid being seen out of the palace during night time. I looked around looking for my lover.

I tensed as soon as someone covered my eyes.
"Guess who?" I sighed in relief after hearing his voice.
"Jaehyun you scared me for a second there." I said removing his hand.
"I'm sorry your highness." He said bowing.

"Don't do that, you make me feel weird." I said shaking my head.
"But you are a princess." He shrugged and started to move.
"I know but you make me feel comfortable." I said walking by his side.

We sat there in silence. It wasn't awkward, it was comfortable.
"Jaehyun......" I said.
"Do you promise you'll never leave me?" I asked.

"I promise." He said looking at me in the eye.


I slowly walked back in the castle. I quickly went in my room. I finally breathed out. I felt like I was holding my breath since I came back inside the castle.

"So you came back." I froze as soon as I heard my father's voice. My eyes went wide in fear. I slowly turned around and looked at him.

"So you went to meet that peasant Jaehyun. Isn't he Myung Hyunjin's son?" He asked looking at me coldly.
"I don't wanna hear your explanations!" He yelled making me flinch.

I didn't fear him. I know he can't kill me. I'm his only heir to the throne.
I'm more scared for Jaehyun.
"You'll regret meeting him." He said and went out
I sat on the floor as tears started to spill from my eyes.

What have I done? I can't be the reason for someone's death. Especially when that someone is someone I love. I thought as my breath hitched.


Next Day
I paced around my room anxiously. I wonder what he'll do to him.

"Your majesty......your father is calling you in the court of the King." She said, bowed and then went out.

I gulped as my eyes got teary.
This can't happen. Please. Not him.

I slowly walked inside the court as everyone stood up except my father and mother. The wicked King and his wicked Queen.
I don't love my parents. I know how cruel they are. I know what extent they'll go to to keep their reputation as the "fake" nice and just King and Queen.

I looked up and my eyes met Jaehyun he was cuffed and looked like he was beaten too. My eyes went moist at the scene.

He was kneeling in front of my throne. His lips were bloody. He looked like he had no energy.

I slowly went to sit in my throne. Jaehyun looked up and smiled sadly. I felt a tear slip from my eyes.

"So as my daughter had finally came. I want her to decide what punishment should be given to this trespasser who who broke the rule and forcefully entered my daughter's room and touched her." My father spatted lies. It was normal for him to lie. That's what he had been doing all these years. I clinched my first in anger.

Everyone looked at me in anticipation. I knew that if I gave him a small punishment everyone would be suspicious.

Jaehyun looked at me waiting for me to speak. Or atleast help him and tell them the truth.
I took a deep breath and looked at my father.

"His punishment will be public execution." I said as my father smiled proudly and everyone cheered.

I looked at Jaehyun again as he looked at me hurt. He looked betrayed. A tear fell down but I quickly wipped it.

"I'm sorry." I said slowly.
Jaehyun kept looking at me while the guards took him away.


Next Day
I sat on my throne as everyone was gathered in the middle of the kingdom wating patiently for the execution.

The guards came back with Jaehyun with them. They forced him to put his head in the given slot.
My father stood up and started to talk.

"This is what will happen if anyone tries to get close to my daughter! This is a warning for each and every person present here to know their limits." He said as everyone cheered.

"Let the execution begin." He said and sat back down.

Jaehyun closed his eyes as the guard holding the rope of the blade let go of the rope.
I closed my eyes tightly as my breath hitched.

And yet again everyone cheered.

They found happiness in someone else's misery and death.


Karma will get us someday.

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