Comfort - Park Sungho

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Shin Yeri's pov
I walked back to my dorm after my classes, half hearted. I never knew I would be betrayed like this. All I ever asked was her care, friendship and love. How could she fake her care? Like how fake can you be?

As soon as I walked inside my dorm I was greeted by my classmate who's room is just next to mine, Sungho.

We are students in a really prestigious school in Korean. Only the top students are given admission and well rich ones too. We are given really nice dorm. One person in one dorm actually so it's really nice.

"Hey! Yeri your parcel came it's with-" He stopped as soon as he saw me.
"What happened to you?" He asked.
"Nothing." I answered.
"Don't lie." He said
"It's really nothing Sung." I answered.

"I know nothing's right." He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him inside my dorm.

We sat down on my bed as he held my hand.
"Now.....Tell me what happened?" He said.
"It it Jung Hayan again?" He added.
I nodded.
"What did she do this time?" He asked.

"I came to know that she was talking shit behind my back.....she made those rumours about me sleeping with you......when I confronted her she said that she hated me from the start. She only became my friend cause I was a good source of getting homework." I said as my eyes got teary.
"What did I ever do to her? I just wanted a nice friend for once! And what I got? Betrayal, hate and getting made fun of. Why can't I just be happy? Why is it so hard? I-" I couldn't finish my words as I started crying.

"Hey hey! It's ok she doesn't deserve your tears. You know you are the best right? You deserve so much more than deserve someone much better." He said as he stroked my back.
"You know what? I'll be your friend! I'll treat you way better. I'll treat you that way you deserve to be treated. I'll care for you when no one will. I'll always be here for you." He said.

"Now don't cry. I can't see you so sad." He said as he wipped my tears. I soon stopped crying and felt a lot better.
"Come on lets go get ice cream!" He said.

Soon we were outside.....
"What flavour do you want?" He asked.
"Chocolate." I said.
" chocolate and one vanilla flavoured." He ordered.

The lady then gave us our icecream. Sungho was the one who payed for the ice creams.
Just as I was about to eat my ice cream Sungho took a bite of my ice cream and ran away.

"YAH!!!" I yelled and ran after him.

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