Asur pt. 3 - BOYNEXTDOOR

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Kim Donghyun's pov
I looked around the campus. We arrived late. Everyone was already there. I looked at the bomb defuser trying to find the bomb.

"Have you check the outside?" Sungho asked me making me nod.

"This is way too messed up." I said massaging my temper.

"I swear to god wherever Junseo is, I will find him and drag him to hell myself." Sungho said. His personality totally changed from the happy pill to a blood thirsty monster.

All because of his own lie.

I took out my phone to call Woonhak to know if they found the bomb.

I walked pass a speaker only to find the line getting disturbed because of vibrations.


I moved back a few steps and then walked forward again but the same thing happened.

"Hey! Hanbin! Come here!" The bomb defuser came running towards me.

"Yes sir!" He said.

"Please check these speakers." I asked.

He moved forward with the detector in his hands. The moment it got infront of the speaker I was suspicious of. The machine started to make noise.

Hanbin turned around and looked at me.

"It's a fucking sonic bomb...." He said making me close my eyes.

This is all too much.

I took out my phone to call Sungho.

"Hello.....Sungho......I found the bomb."

Yoon Nari's pov
I pick up the call I got from Woonhak.

"Hello Nari?"

"What happened did you find the bomb? Did you defuse it? Is everyone okay?" I bombarded him with questions not giving him time to speak.

"Nari.....calm down everything is okay........till now. And yes we found the bomb. It's a sonic bomb. We can't defuse it as it has motion sensor." He answered all my questions.

"Oh....." I said feeling disappointed.

"Don't worry. We'll definitely figure something out." I said trying to stay positive.

"Hey wait- Sanghyeok is calling me. I'll call you back in a bit." I said and quickly ended the call with Woonhak.

"Hello?" I picked up Sanghyeok's call.

" need to see this." He said as I received a picture on my phone by Sanghyeok.

" this?" I asked staring at the screen in shocked.

"Is this......?"

"His hideout? Yes." Sanghyeok answered before I could even finish asking.

"It's like a machine which predicts others actions. Everything about all the victims is written here. We are here too. Everything about us. He knows everything." Sanghyeok said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I thought we were a step ahead of him now. Looks like he skipped a whole floor." He said making me anxious.

"Riwoo....look around. Is there anything that could get is a code to defuse a sonic bomb? Any computer?" I asked.

"Yes-" and the call was cutted.

"What?" I said.

Han Dongmin's pov
As Sanghyeok was talking with Nari suddenly smoked filled the room making all of us cough. I saw Sanghyeok slowly falling unconscious.

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