Her - Han Dongmin (Taesan)

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Choi Sumin's pov
I smiled thinking about him. Even when he does nothing he looks so good.

How can someone be so beautiful? I thought.

His smile is so precious.
Too bad it was never for me.
It was always for her.
His whole world is her and my whole world is him.

I know what I'm doing is just gonna hurt me but his happiness is what I want. He deserves all the happiness. He deserves her.

"Sumin what are thinking?" Haerin asked.
"Unnie are you alright?" My younger sister, Suhyeon asked.

"Nothing." I said as Haerin shook her head.
"Is it about Dongmin?" She asked. I just looked down playing with my food.
"I don't have the appetite to eat anymore." I said standing up and taking my plate with me.

I heard them shout but I didn't looked back. I threw away the food and left the plate on a table.

After knowing that he likes her.....

My sister......I can't help but feel jealousy towards her. I know this is wrong but what can I do? No matter how hard I try I just keep getting flashbacks of his confessing to me that he likes Suhyeon.

I don't hate my sister. I could never. She is my everything. She's my soulmate. My life. I love her. She loves me even more. But it still hurts. Whenever I look at her it hurts. But I just can't bring myself to be rude to her. No matter what, she is still my sister. Someone who was always there for me through thick and thin.

I walked back to my class only to find Taesan reading there.
I turned around and was about to leave until he called me. I felt the world stop. The effect he has on me.

"Sumin!" He called. I slowly turned around and smiled a little.
"Where are you going? I thought you came to see your best friend." He said.
"Yeah I was here to see you but I forgot something." I lied.
"Alright! Let's go to the rooftop!" He smiled and threw his arms around my shoulder.

Why are you doing this to me?

"Is Suhyeon alright?" He asked after we reached the rooftop.
"Yeah she is fine. She still has a weak stomach tho. " I answered.

Suhyeon got food poisoning.
He was so worried about her.
He was with her in the hospital.
He never cared for me like that.....his own best friend.
To bad Suhyeon never liked him. She just thought of him as her sunbae.
She likes a classmate of ours. He is also Dongmin's friend, Leehan.
I think he likes her too.

"Take care of her for me please." He said.
"Of course I will. She is my one and only sister." I answered nodding.
"Oh the break will be over in 5 minutes. Let's go!" I said and pulled him with me.

"Unnie!" I heard Suhyeon's voice behind us.
We turned around and saw her waving my phone.
"Here! You left your phone in the cafeteria." She said handing me my phone.
"Good afternoon sunbae-nim!" She said bowing to Dongmin.

I saw how his eyes sparkle.
"Good afternoon Suhyeon-ah!" He said smiling so warmly to her.
"I'll get going then! Bye unnie! Bye sunbae-nim!" She said waving and walking away.

"She's so beautiful..... She's so nice and kind....." He mumbled but I heard him.

Why her? Out of everyone....why her? Why can't it be me?

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