Forgiven - Kim Donghyun (Leehan)

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The night was as silent as death. Not a soul stirred as the young girl sat in her balcony observing the sky. The night was beautiful. The numerous stars looked like they were beads woven on a black cloth.

But these nights were nothing new to Suhyeon. She had spent countless nights sitting outside and doing nothing but staring at the sky.

Her brother, Choi Youngjae, had seen how the girl had been affected by the accident. He saw her sitting outside all by herself doing nothing. He didn't disturb her knowing that she needed space.

Won't you ask what accident?

The accident in which she lost her boyfriend and her hearing ability.

That day is still vivid in her memories. It was all her fault. Her boyfriend, Kim Donghyun, picked her up from her house to go for shopping.

While going back Suhyeon kept bugging him to take her to this new shop that just opened last week. Donghyun said that it was getting late and he had to get her back to her house.

He kept denying her request but Suhyeon being stubborn didn't back away. She looked at the front, angry. Donghyun looked at her and talked to her trying to make her understand.

Her eyes went wide as she saw a truck standing in front. They kept moving towards it. It seemed like Donghyun didn't notice the truck yet.

She yelled at him trying to warn him about it but before he could do anything they crashed into the truck.

Suhyeon woke up in the hospital with her crying brother. She asked him about Donghyun but she couldn't hear what he said.

She asked him to not play around not knowing that she lost her hearing. She saw Donghyun's dead body soon after that and that's when she realised what happened.

She didn't cared that she couldn't hear but cared more about the love of her life.

After that accident nothing was the same anymore.

No more Donghyun.

No more shopping.

No more dates.

No more love.

Youngjae saw how hard it was for her. People stopped talking to her because of her deafness. Suhyeon started to stare at the stars at night as she always believed that once someone dies they become a star. She knew he was there too. Looking at her, probably smiling.

Youngjae walked inside her room and then went to the balcony. He stood infront of her and told her to sleep and take some rest.

Suhyeon nodded after reading his lips.

She layed down on her bed starting at the ceiling and soon fell asleep.

She saw Donghyun in her dream. It was nothing new either. But this time it was different. It wasn't about the accident but just him, smiling.

He only said one thing.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It's ok. It wasn't your fault. I was stubborn too..... I love you."

And that day, after a whole year of not being able to sleep well, Suhyeon fell into a deep sleep.



Author :: Lmao I had an English exam today and I wrote this story for composition. I really liked it so i thought of publishing it here too!

I changed a few things like the relation between the girl and boy in exam was siblings but here it is boyfriend and girlfriend. Also the names are changed! In exam I wrote Grace and Tom istead of Suhyeon and Donghyun.

Lastly! I wanna ask if y'all like chapters like these with more discription and less dialogues OR more dialogues and less discription? Pls do let me know!

That's it! Byeee love yaaa~

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