Asur pt. 2 - BOYNEXTDOOR

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Third person's pov
It's been 2 hours since Dongmin, Sanghyeok and Jaehyun went to find Junseo. They were currently sitting inside a police station trying to find the whereabouts of him.

"You know sir I just moved here last year so I really don't know where we could find this village." The officer said.
Jaehyun sighed and then looked at him.

"Just tell us in which direction in which Nerium Oleander is grown." Sanghyeok said.
"Oh it's grown in...."

The detectives sat in the car and following the directions given by the officer.

The got out of the car and walking in the village and gathered the people living there.

"Has any of you seen a man who looks like this?" Jaehyun asked showing everyone the developed photo of Junseo on the iPad.

Most of the people shook their head and went back. All of them sighed and were about to leave the village until a boy held Sanghyeok's hand.

"Sir I've seen him. He lives a bit inside the forests." He said and pointed inside a large forest.

"Can you take us there?" Dongmin asked as the kid nodded.

They walked inside the forest until they saw a big house.

"This is it. He never let's me come inside his house." He said and turned around to leave.

"Thank you." Jaehyun said as the kid nodded and left.

Yoon Nari's pov
My phone rang as I picked it up.

"Yes?" I said.
"Nari I want you to try to find any types of school gatherings." Woonhak said as I nodded.
"Is this about the present and the future?" I asked.
"Yeah I think what he meant by our future is our children." He said.
"That makes sense." I said and quickly started to type on my computer.

My eyes widened as I looked at the result.

Fuck an annual day celebration Seoul National University? Isn't it where they bring their family and friends to see the function?

Shit this isn't right.

I picked up my phone and quickly called Donghyun.
"Donghyun there is an annual day celebration in SNU! You need to get there with the team as soon as possible." I said quickly.
"Fuck! Ok Nari keep trying to find new places where there are social gatherings!" He said and the call ended.

I quickly went back to my computer trying to find every meeting held on Korea.

Our present?

I looked closely at all the information that popped up. A conference of scientists?


Oh my God! This is it!

I quickly called Woonhak. I tapped the desk waiting for him to pic up the call.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Woonhak! There is a conference of scientists in a closed stadium! I sent you the location." I said.

"Ok! Thank you Nari!" He said and I ended the call.

Third person's pov
In Andong village
The trio walked in side the houses with guns in their hands as a caution. Looking in all the directions they signalled each other to split up.

Walking inside the kitchen Jaehyun looked at the things inside. It looked like a normal kitchen.

As Jaehyun was about to leave the kitchen he noticed an unusual type of cylinder there. Just as he was about to open it he heard Sanghyeok talk in the earpiece.

"Guys.....come outside the basement."

Jaehyun quickly disregard the thought of the cylinder and started to walk towards the basement.

Dongmin walked inside the bedroom of Junseo to see a photo of his grandfather from six years ago.

He noticed a switch beside it. He looked at it in confusion. What was it?

"Guys.....come outside the basement."

He heard Sanghyeok's voice. He quickly turned around thinking that Sanghyeok was in trouble.

The two reached outside the basement and met Sanghyeok standing there. He quickly opened the door of the basement leaving the other two stunned.

What the fuck?

That's all they could think.

It was a really big basement had more than 50 computers and screens.

"No way...." Jaehyun said.

"Oh my fucking lord—" Dongmin's words got cut off by the loud bang of door closing behind them.

"Fuck-" Sanghyeok said.

"What to do now?!" Sanghyeok asked.

"I don't know..... wait....let me call Nari." Dongmin said and moved further in.


Kim Woonhak's pov
I looked around trying to find any suspicious person in the stadium but couldn't find any. We can't empty the stadium or else both the bombs will go off.

We went around checking every place inside the stadium.

Where the heck even are they?

I closed my eyes in frustration.

This is making my head hurt.

I opened my eyes and looked around the place. My eyes stopped at one thing.


I turned around and called the staff members of this meeting.

"Why are there speakers here if they aren't being used?" I said looking at the guy.

"A kpop group performed here last week. They still haven't picked up their speakers." He answered.

"Are all the other stuff been picked up?" I asked once again.

"Yes sir." He said.

"Shit! Eunbyeol! Come here!" I called another colleague of mine.

"Yes sir?" She asked.

"Check those speakers."

"Yes sir!" She said and called the bomb defuser.

He searched the speakers untill he stopped at one and the machine started beeping.

"'s a sonic bomb....." He said and turned around to look at me.


"What are you waiting for?! Try and defuse it!" I said.

"We can't sir. It has a motion sensor. It will go off if we do anything." He said making me mentally curse.

I took out my phone to inform Nari about this.

"Hello Nari...."


Author : pt. 3 will be coming soon!

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