Never meant to be - Kim Woonhak

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Idea by : Legend_unknown ! ❤️


Kim Woonhak's pov
I smiled remembering about my childhood in my grandparents' town. I used to be so happy. I had my grandparents who were always there for me.

A best friend who was the sweetest, Kang Yuri. I moved away when my parents got divorced and my mother forced me to move in with her. I unfortunately had to leave everyone.

Third person's pov
"Woonhak!" Young Yuri cried as her parents held her back from running towards the boy who sat inside his mother's car.

He looked back at her sadly as the car started to move. Yuri broke free from her parents trying to catch up to the car. She couldn't catch up to it as she was a mere child who was just 6.

The car soon disappeared from her view as she totally broke down sitting on the empty road and crying with her head in her hands.

In the car the young boy soon felt tears flowing down from his eyes and fall on his hands. He felt guilty to leave her so suddenly and not even spend time with her properly.

Flashback ends
Kim Woonhak's pov
I soon got out of the car and ran towards my grandparents' house. I stood infront of it and looked at the house next to it only to see two small kids playing in the garden with a newly wedded couple.

Did she move away?

I looked around the neighborhood to see that it completely changed from what it used to be.
My mood fell instantly, my mother came and we went back inside to meet my grandparents.

Third person's pov
A few days later
Woonhak had been walking around trying to find about the whereabouts of Yuri. He tried to look for her on social media but found nothing.

Today was his last day here.

The boy sat on the grass near Han river and quietly watched the river flow. He found himself crying out of frustration. He can't help but feel angry at himself for not being able to find her.

The weather changed and the sunny day was replaced by dark and gloomy one. He felt raindrops falling on him.

Great. Just great. He thought and sighed.

The rain quickly started to pour heavily as Woonhak didn't get up from there but instead let the rain fall on him and wet him completely. Woonhak closed his eyes enjoying the cold feeling.

He opened his eyes as he felt the raindrops not falling on him anymore. He looked up to see a beautiful girl around his age holding an umbrella above him.

She offered him her hand.
"Come on." She said sweetly. Her voice reminded him of someone, someone whom he loved so dearly.
He took her hand as they walked towards his grandparents' house in comfortable silence.

"Why were you crying before?" She asked breaking the silence.
"I was sad." Woonhak answered.
"Why?" She asked curiously.
"I was trying to find my childhood friend but she moved away." He said as he found himself getting emotional at the thought of her.

"Actually I came her to find my childhood bestfriend too." She said laughing.
"By the way, what was her name? If you don't mind me asking." She asked.
"Kang Yuri." He answered as the girl suddenly stopped walking making him look back at her.
"What happened?" He asked confused.
"Are you Kim Woonhak?" She asked slowly.

"Yes..." Woonhak trailed off as his eyes went wide after realising something.
"Yuri?!" He asked shocked.
"Oh my god! Kim Woonhak this is really you!!!" She said and hugged him tightly.

He smiled as he hugged her back. They soon broke their hug. Yuri held his hand in hers while smiling.
"I can't believe I finally found you! I can't wait to tell you about everything." She said excitedly.

He kept looking at their hands smiling but it soon dropped as he saw a ring in her ring finger.
"Yuri.....are you engaged?" He asked as he looked back at her.
"Yes." She still answered smiling.
"How.....? But we're only 16-" He was cut short by her.

"Yes yes I know but I love my fiance. We've been together for 3 years! Our parents are friends too! We'll get married on my 18th birthday." She said. He smiled forcefully so as to not worry her.
"Here's the invitation! I was trying to find you to hand this invitation to you myself. Make sure to come ok?" She asked as he slowly nodded.

She smiled as they spent the rest of the day catching up on what they're missed. Yuri was happy and so was Woonhak.

After all in the end he found her. Yes he was sad but if she was happy, he was too. He was relieved to be her friend again even though he lost his first love.

He was ready to sacrifice his feelings for her happiness.

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