Letter - Kim Donghyun (Leehan)

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Author :: I took the inspiration to write this chapter from some book but I really don't remember which book or which author so if you think this is similar to any book you have read please tell me so I can tag that author 😭😭😭

Choi Suhyeon's pov
"Yah! Suhyeon you better confess to Donghyun sunbae-nim this year!" Haerin said making me shake my head.
"Why not?!" My sister, Sumin unnie asked.
"Because don't wanna make fool of myself." I answered and continued drawing on my diary.
"Oh please don't be a fool! Everyone knows that he likes you." Sumin unnie said.
"They are just rumours! And you know rumours fly. They can't be trusted." I said and shrugged.

"Nah we all know that's true. Don't you realise that he likes you? He has been giving you hints for a year now! And that's probably why he never gave his shoe laces to anyone." Haerin said which made me look at her.

In our school, on valentine's day is students confess by writing letter to our crush and putting it in their locker. If a guy accepts your confession he will give you his shoelaces and if a girl accepts your confession she will give you her hair tie.

"You know he could like someone else too right? That could be the reason why he haven't accepted anyone's confession?" I said.
"Ok whatever you wanna think of." Sumin unnie said shaking her head.

On valentine's day
I walked towards my locker and sighed.

Please don't let there be any letter...... I feel bad about it knowing I would never say yes.... I thought.

As soon as I opened my locker around 15-20 letters fell down.
I sighed and picked them up and put them in my bag to read them later. This just makes me sad that even though I'm reading their I will just throw them away later on after reading. I really appreciate their efforts but I really wish it was someone else.

My first period was maths but as soon as I entered Ni-ki walked towards me smiling as if he won a dance competition against Micheal Jackson.

Oops sorry sir. Rest in peace please.

"Guess what?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.
"You know what? You look so funny but what?" I asked.
"Our first class got cancelled as our teacher had an accident." He answered.
"That's not a thing to be happy about tho." I said weird out.
"Nah don't worry he just has a broken arm. Nothing more. So let's go to library and read the letters!" He said and pulled me with him.

As soon as we say down Ni-ki pulled out around 45-50 letters.
"Oh god." I exclaimed knowing this would be hell of a ride.
Not something bad tho. It's just that he begs me to read them when he gets tired.

I started to read my letters. As I was reading a letter caught my eyes. It was my first time receiving this person's letter.

Hey! I'm Leehan! I'm from class 12-2.
I don't know if you know me but I wanted to say this is my first time writing a letter to my crush.
I just wanted say I've liked you for 3 years now. I really hope we can be friends even if you don't accept my confession.

KDH? Who is Leehan?
Why does he have different initials than what he said his name is?
Whatever I'll just go and check myself.

During break time

As soon as I entered in 12-2 all eyes were on me.
"Hey! Suhyeon are you here for Sumin?" Jungwon sunbae asked.
"No actually I'm here for Leehan??" I said.
No more liked questioned myself.

"Ohhhhhhh!!!" The whole class said and made way for.....

Donghyun sunbae-nim?!
"There you go! That's your Leehan." Jungwon sunbae-nim said smirking.
"What?" I asked confused.

"I'm Kim Donghyun......KDH remember? I also go by the name Leehan!" Donghyun sunbae-nim said smiling.
"Are you here to give me your hair tie? Or are you here to reject me?" He asked looking at me.

I looked down and finally got the confidence to do it.
I took out my hair tie from my hair and gave it to him making the whole class clap.

"You both would make the cutest couple!"
"I was waiting for this moment my whole freaking life!"
"Suhan! Suhan!"
I heard them and smiled silently.

"You look even more beautiful with your hair down." He said.
I looked down and blushed.
"Cute...." He said smiling.

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