Competition - Lee Sanghyeok (Riwoo)

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Riwoo's pov
I paced around the room in tension. We definitely cannot mess up this competition too. We practiced so much for this one.

I noticed Minyoung walking inside the room and quickly went to her.

"Anyone suspicious this year?" I asked anxiously.
"Nope. They all see normal." She answered calmly.
"How could you be so calm even in this situation? Do you not remember what happened?" I asked.
"Sanghyeok what happened last year would not be repeated this year too! Don't worry! This time we only took trustable people in." She answered.

Last year during inter-school dance competition, a member of our team told the other school's team about the song in which we were gonna perform just for some money.
We were so unlucky that there performance was before ours. So we ended up choosing a different song and doing a complete different dance we learnt a few days ago.
Long story short we didn't win.

"If you say so....but-" Before I could complete my sentence she cutted me.
"No buts." She said.

We stood back stage nervous as hell.
"Yah! Let's do our best!!" Minyoung said
"Heck of course!"
"Let's do this!" I heard everyone trying to light up the mood.

Soon it was our turn to perform.
I was sweating like anything.
I felt someone hold my hand.
"You got this! I know you will do great." Minyoung said smiling.
"Thank you so much..... I don't wanna disappoint anyone...." I said.
"Don't overthink....just let your body flow with the music." She encouraged me.

We walked up to the centre of the stage. I saw everyone looking at us. I got the flashbacks of that day...... Everyone was disappointed....
I don't wanna experience that again.

We started performing. I relaxed myself and my body automatically started flowing to the rhythm of the music. I felt more energetic and confident. As I was performing I felt everyone around me disappear until it was only me left. I felt happy. This is what I truly perform.

Soon the song finished and everyone was back. We stopped as everyone clapped. We went down the stage as Minyoung came towards me.

"See?? I told you!" She said happily as I smiled.
"Thank you for being there." I said.
"Always!" She answered.

We were sitting back stage waiting for them to announce the winning school.

"And the winning school is...............

Hanlim Arts High School!!!!" He announced as we quickly stood up and cheered. We heard everyone clapping. I smiled seeing everyone so happy.

We went to the stage and took our prize.

We took some photos.

Me and Minyoung were walking home. Well I wanted to walk her home.

"Thank you Sanghyeok!" She said as we reached her home.
She turned towards me and hugged me.
I felt butterflies in my stomach.......

"Byeee Riwoo! See you on Monday!" She said and went inside her house.

What are you doing to me, Minyoung?

Author : I'm so sorry for this late update but I have my revision exams till 10 so the next update could be a bit late.

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