Together forever - Taesan & Leehan

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Requested by : Strxberryshortcxke !


Kwon Jihye's pov
"Heyyyyy yoooo." Taesan said and swinged his arm around my neck.
"What's up?" I asked as we walked together.
"Did you hear?"
"Your ex is coming to our college."
"What?!" I yelled causing Taesan to hit me on the head.
"Don't yell idiot. We're in the hallway!" He said as I quickly apologized.

My ex was none other than The Kim Donghyun. He was a really nice and funny person. We didn't broke up because of some issue or cheating. We broke up because he moved away. I just couldn't accept a long distance relationship. They fall apart easily. Now that he is back again I don't know how to feel. Do I feel awkward? Yes. Do I still like him? No.

I quickly sat on my seat waiting for the teacher to arrive.

There, I saw him. He looked just like before. Probably even more handsome. He walked to the front of the class and bowed smiling. Even his smile is the same.

Am I still not over him? I thought and shook my head. That can't be true.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Taesan shook me.
"You ok?" He asked.
"What were you thinking?" He asked looking at Leehan who sat on the seat beside him in the next row.
"Is it about him?" He asked.
"Yeah...." I trailed off.
"Oh." He said disappoint.
"Why are you asking me this?" I asked.
"Alright whatever you say." I said and turned back around.

It was lunch time as I walked inside the cafeteria with Taesan. We sat on the empty seat and started to eat our lunch.

"Hey, Jihye how have you been?" I looked at the person who called me and smiled softly.
"I'm great Donghyun. Please sit." I offered as he smiled and sat on the empty seat on our table.
"How about you?" I asked.
"I'm great honestly." He answered.
"This is Taesan." I introduced Dongmin to him.
"Hi." Taesan said and smiled at him.
"You are really handsome." Leehan said which made Taesan a bit embarrassed.

"You two would look good together." He said making us both blush.
"Haha but we are only friends." Taesan said.
I don't know why it hurted me when he said that.

Do I like him?


We quickly finished our lunch and me and Taesan went to the school garden to hand out together.
"Jihye." He called.
"Hmm?" I hummed and admired the flowers.
"Do you still like Donghyun?" He asked making me turn around and look at him confused.
"No. Why are you asking me that?" I asked.
"Nothing but would you go back with him if he asks you out again?" He asked again.
"No. There is a reason why we broke up in the first place." I said and shook my head.
"Thank you." He said as I looked at him weirdly.
"Why are you so weird today?" I said chuckling.

"What if I tell you that I like you. Would you give me a chance?" He asked making me stare at him.
"Yes." I said after thinking for a while.
"Do you like me?" I asked.
"Yes." He said as I looked at him shocked.
"I'm sorry for catching feelings for you. I know that I already ruined our friendship but I couldn't help it. You are literally perfect. You were always there for me when people criticised me. You always made me happy. I'm sorry please forgive me. I love you. I'm sor-" Before he could finish his words I quickly placed my lips on him making him freeze.

I pulled away after a few seconds and looked at him who was blushing.
"Should I take that as a yes?" He asked shyly.
"No." I said making him snap his head towards me.
I started to laugh.
"Of course yes you idiot! Why else would I kiss you?" I asked as he laughed embarrassed.

"Ha! I told you both that you would look good together!" We both looked at Leehan who stood there looking at us teasingly.
"Hahaha. You both are so cute!" He said clapping him hands.

Me and Taesan looked at each other and laughed at his cuteness.

Who knew I would fall for my own best friend?

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