Liar pt. 2 - Kim Woonhak

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Kang Yuri's pov
I concentrated on my lessons ignoring Woonhak the whole day. I mean if you were in my place you would have done the same thing.

I packed my bag and left the class as soon as I could.

"Yuri!!" I heard him yell but I didn't turn around.

"Yuri stop!!" He held my hand as soon as he caught me. I yanked my hands out of his grip.

"What is your problem?! What do you even want?!" I said and rolled my eyes.

"What are you talking about? You were ignoring me all day and you're asking me what is wrong with me?!" He said looking at me in disbelief.

"Well I'm ignoring you because you are the biggest liar I've met! That is what's wrong and I hate you!" I said looking at him with angry eyes.

"What are you even talking about Yuri?" He asked in a small voice.

"Well did you forgot?! You fucking lied to my sister and made me look like a fucking bitch! You lied to me even after my accident! You made me feel like I was your friend. You lied Woonhak. You lied." I clinched my fist trying to stop my tears from falling.

"So you have finally remembered everything...." He said.

"Yeah. You can't lie to me anymore." I said and looked away from him.

"I'm sorry.....I was immature back then. I hurted you and your sister. I never knew how much I really enjoyed your company until I lost your trust forever. I'm sorry...... please forgive me." He looked at me as tears fell from his eyes.

He was sincere and I could see that.

"I'll forgive you.....only after you tell my sister everything." I said.

"Then let's go and tell her right now." He grabbed my hand and dragged me with him to my house.

Long story short : Haerin forgave him and so did I.

Mine and Haerin's bond is now stronger than ever.


Author :: A short ending as I won't have time after today.

This book would probably be over after one more requested chapter.

I'm sorry it's just that I've ran out of ideas.

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