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Just as Cruella and Evangeline entered the guild, they saw a group of women talking and flirting with a group of men. And these men were the five summoned heroes.

However, everyone's attention was immediately diverted to the newcomers and their eyes lit up.

"Miss Cruella! Miss Evangeline!"

Everyone greeted the duo with smiles. The two beauties were so popular since they defeated a horde of wyverns on their own.

Cruella smiles brightly, winking her eyes, and waves her hand. "Howdy!"

Instantly, everyone felt like their hearts were struck by an arrow. Some were almost drooling.

On the other hand, Evangeline merely smiled. She was aware that the unique charm of Cruella can affect anyone.

At the same time, Dylan felt his heart racing faster at the sight of Cruella. He could only curse silently in his heart. He was really in trouble!

And the other four heroes also couldn't help but suck a deep breath while staring at the two stunning figures.

At this time, the duo directly walked towards the counter.

Irene, the receptionist, smiled widely with enthusiasm upon seeing them. "Hi, Miss Cruella, Miss Evangeline, welcome. How may I help you today?"

"We're here to take a quest. Do you have a quest available in difficulty level?" asked Evangeline.

Irene's eyes lit up and immediately took out a bundle of documents. "These are all in difficulty level for A-Rank above. You can choose anything that interests you."

Cruella and Evangeline quickly examine the documents. There were a lot of quests and the duo took some time to pick one.

Suddenly, a loud yell interrupted everyone.

"Everyone! Emergency!" a man shouts with a terrified expression.

"What happened?" everyone was on high alert sensing that something was wrong.

The man said with bated breath, "A horde of monsters were coming in this direction led by General Alton of the Fourth Demon Army.  The estimated numbers are about five thousand!"


"Five thousand!"

Everyone gasped.

Dylan and the other heroes were also on high alert. The sudden attack caught them by surprise.

Why did the monsters attack at this moment when they just came to this town? This is not a coincidence at all!

Dylan couldn't help but think that this attack was deliberate.

Are they attacking because of the heroes?

Meanwhile, Cruella remained nonchalant as if the current situation is nothing to do with her.

However, Evangeline's eyes glinted with excitement. It is time to showcase the skills she learned from Cruella!

At the same time, Ronald West came down from the second floor with a serious expression upon hearing the news. It was rather troublesome to face thousands of monsters. Good thing, they had Cruella with them or the result would be disastrous.

He immediately announced, "Everyone, let's prepare and go to the entrance. Don't let those monsters enter the town! Let's eliminate them all!"

"Yeah! Eliminate them all!" the adventurers cheered and brandished their weapons.

Dylan and the other heroes had solemn expressions. It must be the demon lord's doing. This sudden attack means that Demon Lord Azazel was on the move. They also brandished their weapons and followed the others out.

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