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When everyone was having fun in the guild, in a village nearby, a horde of wyverns was attacking the village. The whole village burst into flames and there were a lot of casualties. It was a pitiful sight. Cries of fear and despair rang out while some braver ones persisted in fighting the wyverns.

In an inn where Cruella and Evangeline stayed, Cruella was enjoying her sweets when she suddenly frowned and walked toward the window then stared into the distance.

Evangeline, who just came out from the bathroom, looks at Cruella questioningly. "What's wrong, Ella?"

Cruella sighed and said, "I heard cries of help from a distance. A village nearby was attacked by some monsters."

"What?!" Evangeline stopped drying her hair and frowned.

"Do... do you want to help them?" Cruella asked hesitantly.

"Of course! Let's go!" Evangeline immediately changes into her outfit and drags Cruella out of the room.

"Wahhh! I haven't finished eating my sweets yet!" Cruella whined while stuffing some cookies into her mouth.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the wrecked village. The wyverns were still hovered in the air and angrily spouting fire. It seems like something triggered them.

"Humans! Die!"

Cruella heard the wyverns cry out. Since she could understand them, she flew upward and faced the horde of wyverns, who stopped attacking for a moment upon sensing Cruella's aura.

"Ella! Be careful!" Evangeline looked worried. Although she knew that Cruella was too powerful, she still couldn't help but worry because there were a lot of monsters.

"Don't worry about me. Save people first!"

"Okay!" Evangeline quickly helped the wounded and felt pity upon seeing the dead bodies.

Cruella stared at the wyverns and said, "Why are you angry?"

"You, humans are despicable! Give me back my egg!"

"Ah, so someone took your egg." Cruella nodded. Then she looks at the ground and scans the area. Soon, she saw some movements not far away. A suspicious figure was running at a fast speed while carrying a huge thing. She narrowed her eyes and reckoned that it was the egg.

Cruella was about to follow the figure but then a thought flashed in her mind and narrowed her eyes menacingly. Her lips curled up into a sinister smile. It just so happens that they need money and they could get a reward from the guild if they could bring the dead bodies of these wyverns. This time, she fights the urge to devour them.

"Die!" the wyverns bellowed and attacked Cruella.

"Hah! Know your places!" Cruella decided to toy with the wyverns and she seemed enjoying herself.

The wyverns were furious and they attacked her at once. Because of her taunting, the wyverns forgot what they came for. They attack her endlessly.

"Ella! C'mon, stop playing!" Evangeline yelled. She knew what was on Cruella's mind. She shook her head and smiled wryly.

"Okie-dokie!" Cruella replied while chuckling. Her breath traveled toward the wyverns and just like that, the wyverns stopped dead in the air and fell lifeless to the ground. Then she landed on the ground and collected the dead wyverns. Her eyes sparkle while looking at her harvest. She couldn't wait to get the rewards and change them for delicacies. She grinned and her mouth watered upon thinking about the delicacies!

She hummed while walking back toward Evangeline. But then, she stopped when she remembered the figure she had just now. In a flash, she disappeared and appeared in front of the figure.

The figure halted and looked at Cruella vigilantly.

"Who are you?" the man asked warily.

"You stole something valuable and caused this chaos. Do you expect I will let you off?"

"B*tch! Don't blame me for being merciless!" the man glared viciously, took out two daggers, and pointed them at Cruella.

Cruella snorted in disdain.

In the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of the man and grabbed the huge egg effortlessly. The man didn't even realize the egg on his back disappeared just like that.

The man watched in shock when he saw that Cruella was holding the egg.

"You...!" the man's face darkened and glared furiously at Cruella. It's the egg he painstakingly took at the wyvern's nest with great effort.

Cruella smirked devilishly and imitated the man's words just now. "B*tch! Don't blame me for being merciless!"

Seeing the glint in Cruella's eyes, the man was stunned and an ominous feeling gnawed at him. He followed his instinct and turned around to escape. However, it was wishful thinking because what happened next scared him witless. He felt a suction of force sucking him from behind. His eyes widened in terror when he realized he was being devoured slowly and the look in Cruella's eyes was taunting him.

"Help!" the man let out in terror but it was futile.

In the blink of his eyes, he disappeared from the face of the world. He couldn't even beg for mercy.

"You thief doesn't deserve my mercy." Cruella let out a cold when she remembered the dead bodies in the village. It was all because of this thief.

Cruella looked at the huge egg and her eyes sparkled while licking her lips. "Oh, you poor thing! Should I devour you too?"

"Oh, on second thought, you were about to be born and it was cruel of me to not let you see the world. Well, I will ask Eve's opinion first."

She immediately went back to the village.

Not long before she left, a group of five people appeared on the scene.

"Strange. I just heard someone asking for help in this area but there's no one here."

"Wait—I could sense a faint breath of aura left."

"Let's go now. The village is not far away. I couldn't sense the presence of those monsters anymore. It was so strange."

The group quickly continued their journey toward the village.

At this moment, Cruella appeared before Evangeline.

"Ack!" Evangeline was startled and puffed her cheeks upon seeing Cruella. "Where did you go just now?"

"I chased a thief and took this back," Cruella replied and showed the egg of the wyvern.

Evangeline was stunned. Then she immediately realized the reason why the wyverns suddenly attacked a village. "Where's the thief now?"

Cruella just grinned sheepishly.

Evangeline sighed helplessly and squinted her eyes. "No one saw you, right?"




Cruella quickly put the egg away and grabbed Evangeline's arm as she dragged her toward the folks. She saw some dead bodies lining up and some people who were heavily injured.

"Mama! Wahhh!"

"Don't leave me!"


"My husband!"

Cruella and Evangeline watched the folk grieving the loss of their loved ones. Cruella stared at the 5-year-old child choking with tears while holding a dead woman. The child looks pitiful.

Subconsciously, Cruella approached the little girl. Her fists clenched as a horrible memory flashed in her mind. When she was 5 years old, a woman adopted her, however, the woman was stabbed to death in front of her not long after, leaving her alone again.

'I won't let the little girl suffer alone like me!' She vowed.

The little girl looks up with tears soaking her face.

"Little girl, do you love your mother?" Cruella asked softly.

The little girl nodded and hugged the cold body of her mother while weeping.

Cruella crouched down and put her hand on the woman's chest. A blinding purple light suddenly enveloped the woman.

Cruella was using her hidden skills called Resurrection Skills. She can not only devour but can also resurrect the dead.

Evangeline and the other folks were stunned at the sudden burst of power and looked in Cruella's direction. Just then, a groan was heard.

"Mama!" The little girl's eyes widened and she jumped happily into the woman's arms and wailed loudly in joy. "Mama... mama!"

The folks were as gob-smacked as Evangeline when they witnessed the dead woman come back to life!

They burst into tears and hurried toward Cruella, begging her to do the same to others.

"Goddess, please help us!"

"Goddess, we're begging you!"

On the other hand, Evangeline was still dumbfounded and rooted in her spot. Despite being with Cruella for a month now, she just discovered this ability of hers. She sighed in disbelief and looked at Cruella like she had grown two heads. 'What a monster! She could not just easily kill people but can also bring them back to life!'

It was incredible!

However, Cruella was feeling troubled. She just acted in spite and didn't consider the consequences. Looking at the expectant expression on the folks' faces, she couldn't refuse. So she immediately takes action.

Just as the group of five men arrived at the village, they witnessed a mind-boggling scene.

A silver-red-haired girl was resurrecting the dead!

No one has that kind of ability in the entire world except the Demon Lord or the gods.

Who is this girl? Is she a demon or a god?

They stared at the girl in awe. They were also bewitched by her otherworldly beauty.

So beautiful!

Dylan—a hero from another world who was summoned by the Albania Kingdom—was star-struck upon seeing Cruella. The longer he stared at her the faster his heart beating.

Cruella, who just finished resurrecting the dead, felt another presence of newcomers and the intense stares on her like they were burning holes in her brain.

She turned and met Dylan's intense gaze. She knitted her eyebrows and felt uncomfortable being stared at like that like a monster wanted to devour its prey. At the same time, she felt oddly familiar with the stranger like they came from the same origin.

Evangeline also saw the newcomers and narrowed her eyes. Of course, she knew these people.

They are no other than the summoned heroes!

Cruella diverted her attention to the folks when they thanked her.

"Thank you, Goddess!"

"Thank you so much! We will never forget your kindness! From now on we will worship you! What is your name, goddess?" the folks bombarded Cruella with praise like the person in front of them was a real goddess.

Cruella waved her hand sheepishly. "No, no, I don't deserve your worship. I'm just an ordinary girl!"

Hearing her say that, Evangeline couldn't help but sneer inwardly. "Ordinary girl? As if! You can even destroy the world with just your devouring skills!"

"No matter what, you are our benefactor! Without you, we already kick the bucket!" an old man—who just came back to life—insists. The others agreed and continued praising Cruella. They were really in awe of her skills.

The little girl approached Cruella with a sweet smile and said. "Big sister! Thank you so much for bringing my mother back! May I know your name?"

The folks realized they didn't know Cruella's name!

Cruella smiled and her heart swelled upon hearing the little girl calling her big sister. She always wanted a little sister and she was overjoyed being called big sister. She rubbed the little girl's head dotingly and replied gently, "My name is Cruella."

"Goddess of Resurrection, Goddess Cruella!" the folks chanted with admiration and excitement.

Cruella felt embarrassed for the first time. Being called a goddess of resurrection is out of her expectation. She was stupefied. "No, no! I'm not a goddess! Just call me Cruella!"

Cruella waved her hands helplessly because no matter what she said, the folks fell on deaf ears and began worshiping her. She looks at Evangeline for help, but she looks sideways feigning ignorance like saying, "You brought it upon yourself! So deal with it."

Cruella didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She could only smile bitterly and accept the new title since she couldn't just tell them she was a wolf and not a human or a goddess.

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