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Cruella, Sera, and little Lucy stood at the entrance of a conspicuous building while holding back their laughter. Alas, they burst out laughing in the end no matter how hard they tried not to. 


"Are we in the right place?" Sera blurted out while stifling a laugh.

Cruella even laughed so hard that her eyes glistened with tears.

In front of them is a building designed like a human and beast form. The trio wouldn't have to laugh if the design was perfect and elegant. The thing was, the art is so unique that it looks funny in the eye of the beholder. Moreover, the colorful paint of the building was a big contrast to the surroundings making it conspicuous. And the sun emblem on top of the building was so noticeable.

This building is none other than—the Adventurers Guild of Sun City.

"Woah! What a unique building!" an angelic voice caught the trio's attention.

They turned behind them and instantly gasped in awe. The trio looked like they were blinded by the sun.

'So bright!'

Meira Latona with her staff and long white hair swayed gracefully by the wind looks as bright as the sun while standing there with a bright smile. When she saw Cruella's silver-red hair, her mouth hung in awe and a flash, she arrived in front of Cruella and touched the latter's hair with eyes sparkling in awe.

Cruella was about to attack the latter as a reflex but held back herself when she saw the bright smile and harmless look on the woman's face.

"Ah, so soft!" Meira happily caresses Cruella's hair and feels like she's in heaven when she smells the unique fragrance of Cruella. She was about to pat Cruella's head when she was sent flying into the distance.

Shocked, Meira blinked her eyes and what happened just now still didn't register in her brain. She heard yelling and saw Sera fuming like someone had taken her favorite candy just now.

She stood up with a puzzled look and approached the trio again.

When Sera saw her face clearly, Sera's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets and pointed her finger to the latter while stuttering. "G-G-Great Saintess?!"

"Huh?" Meira wore a puzzled expression while pointing to herself. Later on, her smile widened, and she grabbed Sera's hand enthusiastically. "You know me?! Do you know who I am? Great!"

Sera was nonplussed and she looked dubious. "Huh? Aren't you Meira Latona, the Great Saintess?" she uttered with an uncertain tone.

Meira's eyes sparkled in joy. "Yes, I think I'm Meira Latona!" Having lost her memory, Meira was like a headless chicken with nowhere to go the past few days since she woke up and was teleported into this unknown city. She's an epitome of a goddess and some people who saw her think she's a real goddess because of her otherworldly beauty.

While walking with a hungry stomach, Meira stopped when she saw the conspicuous building and was amazed at the colorful paint of the building. What grabbed her attention were Cruella's ethereal beauty and her silky silver-red hair that looked so soft to the touch.

"Are you kidding me, Meira Latona? Do you know who I am?! I still can't forget what you did to me ten thousand years ago!" Sera blurted out in disbelief.

"Huh? Ten thousand years ago...?!" Meira really can't recall her memories. She's like a blank slate at the moment. "I can't remember..."

Sera furrowed her brows and yanked away her hands from Meira's hold with a puzzled expression. She looks at Meira and finds that the latter seems to be speaking the truth.

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