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The night is gloomy, yet Cruella finds joy within. She finds solace in listening to the sounds of the rain hitting the roof, the crackle of thunder, and the bright lights reflecting in the curtains from the flashes of lightning outside. It was like a lullaby on her darkest nights.

"I just wish I wasn't born in this world," she murmured and sighed deeply. Her eyes were devoid of emotion as she stared at nothing in particular.

"Why is the world so dumb?"

"Everything is stupid!"

"Ah, I want to disappear in this instant!"

At the same time she uttered those words, a thunderous crackle in the sky echoed nonstop that frightened most people. They wondered if the gods above were having a battle or if someone cursed something that angered the gods.

However, this is not the case in Cruella's mind. She laughed bitterly as she opened the window and looked up at the dark sky which constantly flashed lightning. "Even the gods agreed with me. Heh, you also think the world is dumb, right?"

Again, the thunder rolled like it answered Cruella's question.

Cruella laughed like her mind had gone demented.

A sudden banging on her door interrupted her moment of insanity which displeased her so much.

She swallowed her displeasure and asked in a hoarse voice, "Who's there?"

"Open the door, Cruella." A commanding voice echoed outside. It sounds threatening or at least that's what she interprets.

Cruella froze for a moment and walked toward the door as her hand turned the doorknob hesitantly.

"What took you so long to open the goddamn door?!"

A huge, disheveled middle-aged woman complained as she trotted inside her room, looking very displeased and her face scrunched up in an ugly manner.

Cruella just stood there behaving like a statue.

The middle-aged woman glared at Cruella and said monotonously, "Tomorrow is the last day. I reckon you already know the consequences if you bailed on this."

Cruella's heart sank into the bottomless abyss like there was a huge black hole sucking her chest again. She nodded her eyes downcast. "I know... You can rest assured that I won't run away."

"Good." The middle-aged woman stared at Cruella's face intently and said, "You know... You inherited your mother's good genes. Unfortunately, your existence is a mistake."

Cruella's eyes turned cold at the mention of her mother. 16 years had passed yet she had never seen her mother's face. According to the middle-aged woman in front of her, she looks like her mother like a spitting image. However, her mother dumped her the moment she was born and left her struggling alone in this cruel world.

The middle-aged woman snorted and left her room.

Cruella closed the door and twisted the lock. She dragged her feet lazily and sat in front of the vanity as she saw her pale face in the mirror. She doesn't even recognize herself and feels peculiar about it.
Ever since she was born, she felt completely different and that something was wrong with her thinking because she always viewed the world as dumb and meaningless.      

Suddenly, a continuous crackling of thunder bellowed angrily in the sky, hitting randomly making everyone scared witless.

Until... the lightning hit Cruella's room and directly hit the mirror into a million pieces, rendering Cruella shocked and speechless. Her eyes widened in disbelief as the second strike hit her body, and electrocuted her senseless. Instead of fear, her heart exploded in happiness expelling the tremendous pain she felt at that moment.

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