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The five heroes swiftly deal with the monsters besieging them. Their skills finally came in handy as they slaughtered every monster that came their way.

With Dylan as their leader, everyone's blood is pumping with excitement.

The adventurers quickly eliminate the weaker monster.

Of course, Evangeline won't remain on standby. She easily dealt with the monsters who attacked her head-on.

"Hmph! The audacity of you all attacking this peaceful town. I will send you all to hell!"

Swiftly and nimbly, Evangeline is like a demon craving for blood as she tortures every monster beyond recognition.

If someone saw her doing that, they would be chilled to the bones.

Well, that's the result of Cruella's training!

Evangeline was used to fighting monsters in the Dark Forest full of monsters!

Just as everyone focuses on their battle. A massive explosion caught their attention.

In just one move, hundreds of monsters were reduced to ashes!

The Demon General, who was near the explosion, was sent flying away hundreds of meters from the force. He suffered some injuries but since the demon has regeneration skills, he quickly jumped out of the crater and was suspended in the air furiously.

He was about to let out his rage when a beauty suspended in the air like a fairy descended from heaven caught his line of sight. He was completely stunned.

The fight temporarily halted as everyone's attention was on the ethereal beauty.

"M... Miss Cruella!"

"It's Miss Cruella!"


The adventurers roared with excitement. The appearance of Cruella gives them boosts.

Even the five heroes were no exception. They were mesmerized by Cruella's stunning beauty.

"She easily slaughtered hundreds of monsters in one move and even wounded the Demon General. She's amazing!" Hero Lexus Denver uttered in awe. His lips curled up into an amused smile.

"Ah, I think I'm falling..." the other three heroes murmured subconsciously.

On the other hand, Dylan pursed his lips, trying to calm his racing heart. The sight of Cruella's stunning and mighty figure made his heart racing.

However, as he stared at her expressionless face, he felt uneasy and thought that something was amiss but he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

Meanwhile, the Demon General faces the Clone Cruella while trembling. His eyelids kept twitching as if warning him of the danger he was about to face. He could tell that an ominous aura coming from the Clone Cruella.

He tried assessing Clone Cruella's strength but all he could see was Clone Cruella's level of 500, nothing else—not even the skills. It was like the beauty in front of him was shrouded with dark mist.

"You... you are not a human! Who are you?!" Demon General Alton asked warily.

However, he didn't get any response as Clone Cruella made her attack.

They fought swiftly and fiercely in the air. Their movement was so swift one couldn't even follow their movement. All everyone could see was two fierce lights attacking each other and every time they met, there were explosions in the middle.

On the other side, the real Cruella in her wolf form was enjoying herself at the back. She keeps devouring the monsters slowly but nimbly without someone noticing.

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