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Sera envied the close relationship between Cruella and Lucy. She pouted her lips while wishing she also had a sister like Cruella.

Cruella saw her pitiful expression.

With a smile, she asked, "Sera, if you don't mind, can you tell us your story?"

It took a long time for Sera to respond as she hesitated. No one has ever known about her story as she keeps it to herself. Everyone only knew her for being evil and sending terror to the world.

Sera had a look of melancholy and ends up reminiscing about the miserable past that she buried long ago. Tears streamed down her face but she still narrated her story as Cruella and little Lucy listened silently.

"My mother raised me alone when my father left us. Mother poured her love into me and gave everything she had. She pampered me and made sure I didn't go hungry. She worked her butt off just to serve me my favorite food. It goes on until I turned twelve years old."

"One night, I saw my mother being beaten up by bad guys. The people around just watched them torture my mother to death without mercy. They look like a devil in human skin. I couldn't forget those hideous faces that haunt me every night in my sleep."

"My mother died but what was the most vexing thing is she didn't blame them at all. And I couldn't understand a thing that happened back then. But one thing for sure was that I despise them all."

"I was left alone and what's worst was that the people shunned me away like I'm a daughter of some devil. Even god didn't hear my prayers. I became a beggar and went from town to town but no one accepted me. People were disgusted by me and even beat me up for no reason. I wanted to die but then I also wanted revenge because I couldn't understand why people are so cruel towards me when I didn't even do anything wrong."

"What did I do wrong to deserve that kind of treatment? Wasn't I a human like them? Just why?"

"In the end, I live in the forest and survive on my own. I barely escape from the clutches of the monster. I was so desperate to get my revenge that I pushed myself too hard and despised humans in the process. I was gripped by sadness and anger that I turned to the darkness. When I realized that, I could no longer turn back. I was too far gone when I acquired the skills to destroy everything."

"Moreover, I felt joy again when I realized that I could level up if I continued destroying something. So I didn't realize that I almost destroyed the entire world. People fear me whenever they hear my name and see me. Then I acquired the title of The Great Destroyer. My reputation traveled far and wide across the world."

"Well, when I came back to my senses, hundreds of years passed by and I realized I killed millions of people already. The world was in ruins and people barely survived at the lack of food."

"Just when I decided to stop, the gods and the Great Saintess appeared and suppressed me with all their might. Funny how they struggled to defeat me. Well, I became so powerful that my abilities were on par with the gods. However, I'm alone and they're besieging me, not to mention the nemesis of my dark power. The Great Saintess possess the power of holy light."

"The holy light is my nemesis so I was killed in the end but not my soul. They sealed me up and I remained asleep for I don't know how long already. And then yesterday, I was suddenly awakened when my vessel absorbed some blood. It also happens that this body is a perfect vessel for me."

Cruella was shocked to hear that. She stared intently at Sera's face and at her clothes which looked oddly familiar.

Wasn't Sera's clothes the same one Evangeline wore when she disappeared?

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