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As Cruella and her companions arrived at the entrance of the dungeon, they noticed something peculiar in the surroundings. The scenery suddenly changed; violet flowers similar to dandelion flowers bloomed everywhere and their scented petals fell one by one as the wind blew, making the petals spiral in the air while their unique scents burst like pulps and envelope Cruella and her companion.

However, just before everyone fell into hallucinations, the sleeping Meira suddenly awakened and her bright yellowish-green eyes expelled the hallucinations as easily as cutting wood.

"Where are we?" Meira asked groggily while resting her cheeks against Cruella's back and sniffing Cruella's heavenly fragrance that seemed to clear her mind and wipe off her sleepiness.

"Obviously, we have arrived at our destination, Goddess of Sleeping Beauty," Sera remarks sarcastically while carrying the sleeping Lucy in her arms. She was still bitter that Meira had leisure time sleeping comfortably in Cruella's back.

"Oh, the dungeon!" Meira looks around and notices something. "Oh, I think we step on a trap just now..."

Cruella hummed. "Yeah. But it suddenly expelled for some reason when I was about to take action." She said and put down Meira nonchalantly.

"Thank you, Cruella, and I apologize for the inconvenience I have caused. It wasn't my intention to fall asleep halfway through. I hope I wasn't that heavy..." Meira blabbered.

"Don't mention it. Anyway, rest assured that you are not an inconvenience. Furthermore, you are as light as a feather..." Cruella said while examining the surroundings.

Meira beamed. "Do you find anything suspicious?" she asked while staring into the dark dungeon.

"Apart from the hallucination traps, I did not find anything odd. It seems someone cast this magic circle at the entrance of the dungeon. For on what purpose, that was still unknown." Cruella replied after assessing her investigation.

"Do we still have to enter?" Sera asked while frowning. That was because she sensed some powerful aura inside the dungeon.

Cruella and Meira also felt the powerful aura.

Cruella smirked and said, "Of course. Things like this are so intriguing that I'm dying to see what's waiting for us inside this mysterious dungeon."

Sera's eyes lightened up. "If things go awry later, we have the Great Saintess' holy light to back us up!"

"The Great Saintess' holy light?" Meira asked and pondered. Her face lightened up when she remembered something. "It's me, isn't it? Does that mean I could help Cruella later?" Meira smiles brightly. She wanted nothing but to be of use to Cruella to repay her gratitude.

Cruella and Sera were almost blinded by Meira's excited expression as though she blooms like a sunflower in the morning dew.

Cruella smiled and rubbed Meira's soft cheeks. "You are so adorable, Mey."

"Mey? You call me Mey?" Meira pointed herself with eyes widened in surprise.

"Why? You don't like it?" Cruella pouted her lips.

"Of course, I like it very much! He-he, Cruella gives me a nickname! I'm so happy!" Meira beamed like a little child who receives her favorite candy and cling to Cruella's arms happily.

"Ah, what about me, Cruella?" Sera sulked in jealousy.

Cruella chuckled and pinched Sera's cheeks. "Hm, are you jealous, Sey?"

Sera's face lightened up and beamed like a cat who received a precious treat. "I'm not anymore, sis... oh—" Sera anxiously looked at Cruella's expression. Her tongue slipped and subconsciously called her 'sis'.

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