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After confirming that Cruella turns into a two-year-old baby, the girls went back to the hotel.

Sera was stifling a laugh as she plopped into the bed and finally couldn't hold on any longer. She rolled on the bed, bursting into fits of laughter.

"How can you be so stupid?! Pfft! That's what you get for being greedy!" Sera uttered between laughter.

Meira and Lucy also laughed while Cruella crossed her little arms over her chest and puffed her cheeks, looking so adorable.

Seeing her like that, Lucy squeals and hugs Cruella dotingly while saying, "At least we can see how adorable big sister was when she was little!"

"Haha! You were right! I can't imagine she'd be this cute!" Meira said and couldn't help but pinched Cruella's cheeks.

Cruella pouted more and said, "Cherish it now because it will only last for 3 days!"

"Oh? It will only last for 3 days? I thought you'll remain a kid!" Sera uttered as she stood up in surprise.

"Well, sorry to burst your bubbles!"

"In that case, why don't we take this opportunity to find the one who did this to you?" Sera suggested.

Cruella thought about it for a second. "Don't bother. My intuition tells me that I will see the culprit soon! So we better go to the capital as soon as possible!"


"I'm excited to ride that thing! We're going to ride it, won't we?" Lucy said in anticipation.

"Of course! For now, let's rest up and we shall go early in the morning!"



At this moment, at Dionne's Family Estate.

Alecia Dionne, the eldest daughter of Marquess Dionne, was still furious at what happened in the restaurant at noon.

When her father returns that evening, she immediately relates what happened and her father promises to give her justice tomorrow.

"Thank you, Father!" Alecia beamed and hugged her father. But her eyes glinted coldly at the thought of making those girls pay!

Immediately, the marquess sends someone to check the four girls' identities.

Alecia went back to her room with a satisfied smile and then entered a secret room.

This room was full of portraits of handsome men. If Cruella saw this, she would recognize a few of the portraits because it's the image of the five heroes!

Alecia touched one of the frames and her face flushed. "Oh, my handsome Dylan, I can't wait to see you again! At this coming ball, I'll make sure to dance with you! Whoever covets you that night, I will trash them to death because you are only mine!"

She laughed and took the initiative to kiss the portrait. Then she also did the same to other portraits obsessively.

"I'm finally coming back to the capital. Wait for me, my babies!"


Back at the capital, Dylan and the other heroes suddenly shuddered and they had a bad feeling about it.

They looked at each other and were surprised to find that they had the same reaction.

"Do you think someone curses us?" Conan couldn't help but feel goosebumps.

"I get the same feeling back then when an obsessed girl trying to hold my hands!" Kenneth blurted out and shuddered.

"Do you think we will see that crazy girl again?!" Joshua gulped and an unpleasant memory flashed in his head.

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