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As Evangeline caressed her hair, Cruella felt something in her heart. The feeling was comfortable. It was the first time she let someone get close to her by having physical contact. She was deprived of such affection since she was born. She kind of long this kind of feeling.

Cruella couldn't help but hug Evangeline. The latter was surprised slightly but also returned the hug happily. As an only daughter, Evangeline longed to have a younger sister. Hence, she was happy to meet Cruella.

"Ella, can you be my sister?" Evangeline blurted out as she looked at Cruella expectantly. She doesn't know why but she felt comfortable around Cruella.

Cruella's eyes sparkle and her heart skip a beat. 'Sister...'

Her mouth hung in awe and then curled into a beautiful smile. She nodded happily and said, "Yes!"

Deprived of family affection in her previous life and being alone for two years in this life, Cruella had enough. So she promises to find someone to treat her like family. And it just happened she met Evangeline this time when she evolved and could transform into human form.

Since Evangeline is the first member of her family, she made a vow to protect her from now onward. Moreover, someone as beautiful as Evangeline was bound to get into trouble.

Meanwhile, Evangeline was over the moon and she squealed enthusiastically. She finally found a sister. Evangeline grew up alone and lonely. Her parents were busy with their affairs and rarely visited her. Hence, the emptiness in her heart grows every day. She didn't even have someone to call a friend to spend some time. She was always cooped up in her room, reading some books, doing calligraphy, arts, and so forth just to entertain herself.

Just like that, the two girls became sworn sisters and became closer as they embarked on their journey. Evangeline led Cruella out of the vast forest called Dark Forest. However, Evangeline and Cruella got lost and ended up going to a more dangerous area where more powerful monsters gathered.

These monsters fled before when Cruella dominated the forest and didn't dare go near Cruella's territory no matter what. They were afraid of Cruella to the point that they would tremble if they met her. The Great Devourer Wolf has a great reputation for all monsters because even the legendary fire dragon lost to her.

These monsters were familiar with her aura even though it was concealed and she had a human form. Hence, upon seeing a silver-red hair, they again flee for their dear lives. They didn't even hesitate to run as far away as they could.

However, the other monsters are not so lucky and they were devoured by Cruella in one fell swoop. Of course, Cruella knew that the smartest monsters had fled before she could devour them. However, she is not that cruel and hungry to the point that she will track them one by one, so she lets them go and only devour those not fast enough to escape.

Evangeline was used to Cruella devouring some monsters that got their way so she was nonchalant the entire time. Sometimes Cruella let Evangeline fight some monsters and taught her more advanced magic. One of Cruella's hidden skills is to manipulate someone's skills and transfer new skills using her creation magic.

Evangeline is talented and under Cruella's guidance, she has improved by leaps and bounds. Her current level was enough to protect herself from harm.

The duo didn't notice that they embarked toward the west leading to Albania, the most prosperous kingdom among the four kingdoms.

A month later, they arrived at the exit of the forest and came to a small town called Crowest Town.

Cruella was in a daze upon seeing the human territory for the first time she came into this world. She was excited and her mind was full of images of delicacies and sweets. In her previous life, due to her poor condition, she couldn't afford those delicious delicacies and longed to taste it ever since.

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