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The Great Destroyer, also known as Sera Von Khaos from ten thousand years ago. Her name traveled far and wide across the four kingdoms and sent terror to the people. The mention of her name alone is like a curse that will linger in everyone's soul. Yet, Sera's origin was still unknown.

Even demons feared Sera for her unfathomable destructive power. Sera is like a curse that never dies. Even the heroes—who had slain many demon lords—failed to subdue her and suffered a tragic death.

The world descended to chaos for hundreds of years until the gods interfered and imprisoned Sera's soul with all their might. However, at the critical juncture, Sera's subordinate manages to take the small dark crest—in the form of a locket pendant—where Sera's soul is imprisoned inside and hides it away.

Since Sera's utter defeat, the peace was restored but the damage was so great that it takes hundreds of years for the humans to restore the beauty of their kingdoms. Even demons also suffered tremendously and took some time to regain their reputation.

Now that the Great Destroyer was freed. Humanity will suffer a blow once again. Will history repeat itself?

However, it was still unknown whether the Great Destroyer would succeed in the presence of an unfathomable wall she would face later on.

Two unfathomable beings; both came from darkness and never feared death. Who will prevail, the Great Destroyer or the Great Devourer?

It appears that fate tied them together with Evangeline as a bridge to that connection.

On the other side, as Cruella and her clone step inside her subspace, a gentle breeze blows on her face. A vast field of grass and flowers, tall trees in the distance, and a wide forest greeted her. Behind her, over a thousand monsters stared at the space with awe. They had never seen a magnificent view like this in their entire lives. The monsters were used to residing in the dark with a gloomy environment; however, seeing the calming and fantastic view in front of them made them momentarily forget who they were. They felt like they were transported into another dimension.

Then Cruella briefed the monsters of what will be their roles in this space. The monsters were shocked upon knowing that they would be Cruella's subjects from now on. They never expected that their lives and death were on the palm of Cruella and already tied to the law of nature of the subspace Cruella created.

It appears that this subspace will become a training ground and the monsters will be the subject of torture. Since their lives were connected to the subspace, they would automatically be resurrected if they died. It was cruel and the monsters regretted their actions. If only they wished for Cruella to devour them earlier, they wouldn't have to suffer endless tortures later on.

However, it was a little too late for regrets!

After everything settled, Cruella summoned back her clone in human form and made another clone of herself in baby wolf form. The baby wolf will be the one to supervise the subspace in her stead to control the monsters. Of course, the monsters knew it was her clone.

Despite all that, the monsters seemed at ease because they didn't have to worry about survival anymore. They have everything they need in the subspace and they can do whatever they want.

When Cruella left the subspace, she suddenly felt an ominous sinister aura full of malice. She frowned as she stared into the distance. For some reason, she felt uneasy and a foreboding feeling swept her heart.

She immediately returned to the inn to see Evangeline but the room was empty. She thought Evangeline must've gone to the guild, so she quickly went to the guild.

The guild was filled with adventurers, happily dividing their spoils of war. When they saw Cruella, they immediately froze on the spot as the sight of Cruella holding a demon's heart was still fresh in their minds.

The hall momentarily fell into a pin-drop silence.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Dylan stood up and walked toward Cruella to ease the tension.

"Miss Cruella, it was all thanks to you that we avoided a catastrophe. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude, on behalf of everyone." Dylan uttered with a smile as cool as a cucumber as he stood bravely in front of Cruella. Deep inside, Dylan was flustered as he inhaled Cruella's unique scent which made his mind calmer and clearer for some reason.

Cruella responded with a faint smile but an etch of worry appeared on her face when there was no sign of Evangeline around and she couldn't sense her aura as she disappeared into thin air.

"Everyone, did anybody see Evangeline?" Cruella asked with a frown.

Her question aroused everyone's curiosity. They just realized that they hadn't seen Evangeline after the war. They thought Evangeline was with Cruella since they had both disappeared earlier.

"I thought you were together," Dylan said with knitted eyebrows.

Cruella shook her head. She couldn't tell them that she just came from her subspace.

Cruella tried to shake off the uneasy feeling in her heart but it got stronger and stronger and she trembled. This is the first time she felt this way and she didn't like this feeling at all.

Cruella hurriedly ran away from the guild and looked everywhere for Evangeline only to be dismayed as there was no sign of Evangeline at all. She ended up standing on the battlefield as she tried sensing Evangeline's aura.

Just then, she sensed a faint breath of dark aura in the crater where the demon general plunged earlier. There she saw a faint dark aura that remained in the void.

"A dark aura. I can tell it's powerful."


"I hope you're fine."

"I don't know what I will do if something happens to you."

"If you're abducted, I swear I will kill the culprit!"

Cruella clenched her fist tightly and trembled. It was the first time she felt helpless despite being powerful now. She tried steeling her heart but as negative thoughts entered her mind, her eyes glistened with tears.

It was because she felt terrible at the thought of losing Evangeline—her only family in this unknown world.

She promises to protect her yet she loses her when she lets her guard down for a moment. She couldn't help but felt remorseful and at the same time, felt angry.

"Eve..." she murmured. "I will find you to the ends of the world no matter what."


Cruella bent over to pick up something hidden under a rock and frowned at the sight of a small dark crest in the form of a locket pendant. It was because it was the source of a faint breath of dark aura she had sensed earlier. The dark emblem like a snake tattoo of a curse looks like a symbol of a noble status.

She gritted her teeth and put away the crest as it was her only clue that connected to Evangeline's disappearance.

On the other hand, when Ronald West learns about Evangeline's disappearance, he is nervous. Evangeline is the only person who could tame Cruella. If Evangeline dies, the world will be in chaos. History may repeat what happened ten thousand years ago.

They have to find Evangeline!

Immediately, Ronald West requested for all the adventurers to look for Evangeline everywhere. They have to find her no matter what the cost. The adventurers were confused as to why Ronald seemed afraid that something happened to Evangeline.

Even so, the adventurers were still looking for Evangeline but they felt like they were looking at a needle in a haystack. It was like Evangeline disappeared into thin air.

No one saw her at all!

At nighttime, Cruella transformed into her wolf form and sat at the rock forlornly. She misses Evangeline. The intense feeling of devouring everything gnaws her heart without seeing Evangeline.

At the critical moment of losing her sanity, a tall slender figure of a young man appeared in her line of sight.

"Master!" Dylan called out. But he stopped when he noticed that his master looked forlorn and the gloomy aura chilled his bones. Did something happen? He wondered.

At the sight of Dylan, Cruella remembered their appointment. She forgot that it was time to send her disciple to training.

"Master, my apologies for being late. It's just that something happened. An acquaintance disappeared out of thin air and we were still looking for her. But... there was no clue of her whereabouts at all." Dylan sighed as Cruella's gloomy expression appeared in his mind. He wanted to comfort her but she just disappeared as well. She might still be looking for Evangeline.

An intense chill swept past Dylan. He couldn't help but tremble. His master looks so scary right now. He swallowed nervously and didn't make a sound.



Four figures appeared while brandishing their weapons warily at Cruella. They thought that a monster was attacking Dylan.

Dylan widened his eyes and quickly scolded them. "Stop! This is my master!"

"What?!" the four heroes were stunned and looked at Dylan like he had grown two heads.

"Are... you pulling our legs?" the four heroes mumbled in disbelief.

"No. This is my master. I told you I was going to train today."

Cruella looked at the five heroes and her expression lit up a little when she saw potential in them. It is no wonder they are chosen as heroes. They were just lacking in experience and a teacher to guide them.

"I decided. I will train you all and make you powerful and befitted for a hero. Do you accept?" Cruella uttered.

The five heroes widened their eyes and looked at each other knowingly.

"Do you... mean it?" Lexus Denver asked hesitantly and vigilantly. Still, they were facing a monster and a powerful one at that.

"Of course." Cruella snorted and said with contempt, "With your current status, you are as small as an ant. I could kill you with a flick of my fingers. You look so pitiful to me. As a hero, you're strength is such a disgrace."

The heroes, except Dylan—who was the first recipient of such ridicule from his master—fumed in anger at being disdained by a monster. However, they couldn't refute it either because it was a sad truth. They could only swallow their anger like they swallowed a bitter pill because they were nothing in front of this unfathomable monster.

When the heroes assess Cruella's status, she is shrouded with mist and they can't see her status at all. The unknown is the most scary in the world so they didn't act recklessly.

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