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Lucy ran to the center of the magic circle, bit her finger, and dropped blood into the magic circle. The magic circle immediately lit up and then Lucy ran to one of the nine pillars and touched it. The pillar seems to be a button to start the mechanism.

The magic circle suddenly moved in a circular motion and the pillar lit up one by one. Immediately after that, the nine pillar was reduced to ashes and the invisible chains around the nine beasts disappeared.

Along with the destruction of the pillars and the release of the nine beasts, the entire labyrinth trembled and it also caused tremors above which the people mistook as an earthquake.

Suddenly, the magic circle lit up enveloping the entire hall and before everyone knew it, they were transported out of the labyrinth.

"Whoa, we are back outside!" Lucy and Sera smiled as relief filled their hearts when they saw the glow of the moon.

Cruella, on the other hand, quickly sent the nine golden beasts to her subspace and she felt good thinking of all the monsters she collected in the labyrinth. 'What a good harvest! Lucky!'

"Where are the beasts, big sister?" Lucy asked curiously. She still couldn't find out how Cruella dealt with the monsters as the latter was so secretive.

Sera was also curious.

"I send them away," Cruella answered without giving away her secret.

The duo pouted but didn't pry any further as they respected Cruella's privacy.

"Mey, wake up!" Sera shook the sleeping Meira but to no avail.

"Let's go back to the hotel. I'll carry her back," Cruella crouched and carried Meira in her arms this time.

Sera scooped little Lucy and put her up in her shoulders which made the little girl beamed.

Meanwhile, at the capital, the five heroes together with the knights and some adventurers were dumbfounded when they found themselves outside the dungeon. However, the entrance of the dungeon disappeared without a trace.

They don't know what happened and why they were suddenly transported out.

"Do you think someone cleared up the dungeon?"

"It must be the case!"

"Who could it be?"

"They must be powerful!"

"Do any of you reach the bottom level?"

"No, we were only at level 20! We almost died there! Good thing we were transported out!"

"We only reach level 35!"

"Dylan, I think we were on level 59 when we were transported out?" Lexus pondered.

"Yes, we were on level 59."

"Do any of you guys go beyond level 59?" Conan asked the others.

The adventurers looked at each other and shook their heads.

"If none of us reach the bottom level, who could it be?" Dylan voiced out.

"Hey, I remember there's also a dungeon located at Sun City that was discovered a few months ago. Do you think both entrances are connected? Maybe someone there managed to reach the bottom?" an adventurer voiced out his speculation.

"How could that be? Is that even possible that there are more entrances?"

"We can't put away that possibility. After all, bizarre things unexpectedly happened in this world."

"Yes, I think there's more to this than meets the eye."

"I agree. If none of us here reach the bottom level then that party must have entered at Sun City or in other entrances if there's any!"

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