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When morning came, news of the destruction of many towns that involved the loss of thousands of lives spread throughout the entire Albania Kingdom and soon reached the other kingdoms as well.

This sudden phenomenon reminds the people who knew the history of what happened ten thousand years ago.

The withering of trees and plants caused by powerful dark power and many huge craters caused by only one blow, also remind them of one person.

None other than The Great Destroyer, Sera Von Khaos. The people also called her, the bringer of disaster.

In the blink of an eye, words traveled so fast and wide upon the news of the sudden emergence of the Great Destroyer.

A wave of panic swept the people all over the world. The people trembled with extreme fear. Then they remembered the oracle that the Holy Temple shared with the public a few months ago.

The oracle clearly stated that 'The shackles crumbled and destroyed. Lives will be lost and terror will strike the world. Find the savior or destruction will follow.'

At this moment, inside the Holy Temple, a meeting was held.

"His Holiness, the only one who could stop the Great Destroyer is the Great Saintess. But she's nowhere to be found. What should we tell the people?" a priest asked.

The Pope or the leader of the temple remained silent as he also mulled over this current predicament. Tens of thousands of lives were lost and they should take action or the people will condemn the church.

"We need to find the Great Saintess!" Cardinal Aquim suggested solemnly.

"Ten thousand years have passed, is the Great Saintess still alive?" another priest uttered with doubt.

"Yeah, according to the book, the Great Saintess also disappeared after defeating the Great Destroyer."

"What if she's dead?"

"I hope not!"

"Who is the savior stated in the oracle?"

The priests voiced their opinions one by one. The discussions were intense as they also feared what would happen in the future. Any time, the Great Destroyer would attack again.

Who knows? The Great Destroyer might attack the capital this time.

Everyone was on edge at this immense pressure.

"What if we summon a saint?"

"We tried but failed, remember?"

"No. That only means that the Great Saintess is still alive."

"But where are we going to find her?"

The priests went silent. This matter is so serious and it gives them intense headaches.

"How about the five heroes?" a priest uttered.

"We all know that the five heroes' powers are not enough to defeat the Great Destroyer."

"For some reason, the five heroes disappeared all of a sudden."

The priests all sighed deeply. Worries etched on their faces.

"This is impossible. History will repeat if we don't find the Great Saintess."

"Will the gods step in again this time?"

"The last time, the gods appeared because no one could suppress the Great Destroyer. The heroes all died back then. But the gods only appeared a few hundred years later when the human race was on the brink of extermination."

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