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The Capital City of Albania Kingdom.

As soon as the floating ship arrived at the top of the tower—the landing area, Cruella and the girls took their time sightseeing from above, their eyes shone seeing the vast kingdom.

What caught their eyes was the conspicuous vast castle in the distance.

"Can we go to that castle?!" Lucy beamed excitedly. She was in awe and her desire to see the castle up close grew.

However, she wasn't the only one feel that way. Sera, Meira, and Cruella were more eager to see the castle and they were curious about who is the ruler of the prosperous kingdom.

"The ruler of this kingdom is called King William Warwood. However, it's just a matter of time until his term will end." Mikaela shared. She already had been in the capital a few times in the past and she was quite famous in the entire capital for her misfit. As the Great Witch who had done something beyond others' imagination and caused inconvenience to people, Mikaela had become a wanted criminal and her wanted posters were still plastered everywhere.

So Mikaela coming back to the capital again brings back a lot of good and bad memories. She hasn't told the girls yet and fidgets.

"He must've amassed a huge fortune to develop this Kingdom," Cruella uttered, and her interest in the kingdom was piqued.

"Certainly." Sera secretly grins. She had thought of something amazing and she couldn't wait to execute it later. 'Hey, don't even do it!' Evangeline spoke in her mind, but Sera ignored her.

"But first things first, let's fill our tummy!" Cruella jumped excitedly and ran off first.

The girls laughed seeing how adorable little Cruella was at that moment. They quickly followed Cruella out of the terminal seeing how fast she ran.

Soon, the group entered a luxurious restaurant near the terminal. Their unique temperaments garnered everyone’s attention as soon as they stepped inside. All the men couldn't take their eyes off the three beauties—Sera, Meira, and Mikaela. Some were struck in their hearts when they saw the adorable Cruella and Lucy.

However, the girls carried an air of authority, and everyone in the hall remained seated and didn't dare approach the girls. Their instinct told them that they would get in trouble if they disturbed them. And the way Sera glared at them, spooked everyone.

The intimidated server bravely took the girls to a vacant table. They had private rooms in their restaurant, however, it was full at the moment. So the server could only lead the group to a VIP table in the open hall.

When the group seated and took a look at the menu, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets when they saw the cost of each dish.

"This is a rip-off! Are we gonna eat some gold?" Mikaela grumbled seeing the price of each dish which cost 1000 to 5000 gold coins.

"Hey, you aren't cheating us of our money, right?" Sera glared at the server. Her ominous aura sends chills to everybody in the hall.

The server smiled nervously and broke out in cold sweats. The scary pressure almost made him cry. He quickly explained despite the stutter and shaking, "D-Dear guests, our prices were standard and reasonable. Each ingredient used was of the best quality and we grow them by ourselves thoroughly. Our delicacy is the best in the Kingdom and was patronized by all the nobles and even the royalties chose our restaurant. You must be new to the capital so you didn't know about this."

Sera narrowed her eyes and then smirked, "Well, serve us all your best delicacy and we will be the judge. If you lie to us, we will raze this restaurant to the ground." Sera looked terrifying when she said that and her smile spooked everyone.

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