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"Come on. Offer respect to the master." Dylan urges quickly.

The four heroes reluctantly kneeled and bowed their heads to kowtow. "Master, please teach us and accept us, lowly heroes, as your disciples!" the four uttered in unison. They even criticized themselves by calling lowly heroes to show that they wanted to be stronger by any means.

Cruella felt a little satisfied. "Rise, my disciples." Then she walked closer to the five handsome heroes.

As a result, the five handsome young men were flustered as a unique fragrance assaulted their nostrils and despite still having some lingering fear in their hearts by being intimidated, their inner desires were as plain as day with the way they stared at the silver-red wolf, Cruella.

In their eyes, spring bloomed around the gorgeous silver-red wolf and they had a strong urge to rub Cruella's silky fur that looked so soft to the touch. Their faces flushed red like a tomato. They almost gave in to their desires but held back when a chill sent shivers down their spine when they met their wolf master's piercing gaze that was about to burn holes in their bodies.

Cruella held back in blowing up. 'These perverts!'

'When humans overcome their fears towards me, they look like they were about to devour me instead!'


Sensing their master's displeasure, the five young men quickly behave themselves and wait for some instructions.

"I will give you a welcoming gift," Cruella uttered and ignored their behavior just now.

The five young men's faces beamed at the mention of a gift. "Thank you, master!" they said in unison with excitement.

"Stay put," Cruella ordered sternly. Like a knight receiving a command, the heroes stood firmly and were curious about what gifts their master would give them.

Then Cruella looks at the five heroes' status and modifies their skills. She felt like this was cheating but it was the only way to make them stronger in just a brief period.

More importantly, Cruella had an inkling that these five heroes would be useful to her in the future.

"Okay, it's done."

"Huh? Where are our gifts?" Conan Reeves blurted out in surprise. He was the most excited among the five.

"Yeah," the others seconded and furrowed their eyebrows.

Cruella rolled her eyes and said, "Check your status. You'll know what it is."

Immediately, the heroes check their status and their eyes widened like they were about to pop out of their sockets. They were shocked by the changes in their skills and status. They felt like they were cheating!

Taking advantage of their dazed expressions, Cruella examines the five heroes' handsome features. For some reason, Cruella's gaze lingers on Dylan's bright emerald eyes with golden hues like that of a sparkling diamond. She was mesmerized by it.

'His eyes are so gorgeous!'

'If those eyes...'

'What the heck am I thinking?'

Cruella quickly diverted her gaze away before her mind wandered with some inappropriate thoughts. She slightly shuddered and cleared her throat to get their attention back.

"Now then, you will start your training right away. I will send you to a space where time varies from the real world. One day is equivalent to one year inside. All you have to do is to slay some monsters. The more monsters you kill, the more experience you will gain that will also improve your status. Take note that the monsters inside the space can resurrect after a few hours of being killed. Once you are inside the space, you are on your survival. If you die during the training, it's not my fault. It only means that you are not fit to be a hero if you die." Cruella said with a serious expression. Of course, she left out some truth to it. In truth, if they died inside, the baby wolf would revive them back. So, Cruella was nonchalant.

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