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Mikaela was amused seeing the exaggerated reaction of the trio. In her lonely life, she hasn't met someone so possessive like jealous chipmunks.

She was naturally a tease. So she affectionately snuggled back into Cruella's little arms and said, "Well, I'm master's beloved pet, so I can hug her any time!"

"Why you little!" the trio puffed their cheeks and was about to grab Mikaela when Cruella intervened in a cute voice that instantly broke the tension in the air. "Okay, enough chit-chat. Let's have some breakfast then we'll go to the capital!"

The trio suddenly forgot about their little banters with Mikaela when they heard that they were going to the capital later.

"Oh, we will finally ride the floating ship!" they let out in unison, inexplicably excited.

They have been itching to ride the floating ship since yesterday and finally, the long wait is over.

The group quickly prepared and went to the restaurant to have a breakfast feast. They went to the same restaurant they visited yesterday where they met an unreasonable and arrogant lady of Dionne's family.

It was Mikaela's first time dining with a lot of people and she was a little emotional.

Cruella senses her fluctuating emotions and rubs the kitten's little head. "You can transform to your original form, kitty," she said with a cute smile.

Mikaela blinked and looked up at Cruella for confirmation. Seeing Cruella nod with a smile, she felt giddy and immediately jumped out of Cruella's hold. In front of everyone, she transforms into her human form.

Sera, Meira, and Lucy gasped upon seeing a stunning figure. Their eyes widened in disbelief. Who would have thought that such a tiny black cat was a hidden beauty?

"Are you really Mikaela?" Sera asked in disbelief. She was mesmerized by Mikaela's green and curly long hair.

Meira and Lucy stare at Mikaela's green hair and black pointed hat. "You're a witch!" Lucy blurted with eyes widened.

Mikaela looks at the trio with a smile and flips her hair smugly. Then she introduced herself proudly, "The one and only Mikaela Williams, the Great Witch of Seaville Village!"

"The Great Witch of Seaville Village?!" the surrounding crowd was shocked when they heard that.

Of course, the people knew about the Great Witch of Seaville Village. She was notorious for her weird experiment that bothered people's daily lives. Cruella wasn't the only victim of her experiment.

There are some worst cases where people turned into an animal, plants, etc. that lasted for a few months. The worst thing she did was curse the entire people of Seaville Village into a penguin forever just because they offended her by calling her a crazy witch and many more, and tried to drive her away from the village.

There was a saying that says, "You can insult others but don't ever offend a witch or you'll turn into a toad."

After that unfortunate event, she was called the Great Witch of Seaville Village.

Even today, the entire village was still bound by the curse and sadly, Mikaela was unable to bring them back to normal for some reason. After she had done the misdeeds a hundred years ago, she felt guilty and tried lifting the curse but in her utter disbelief, the curse only got worse.

Since then, whoever entered the village by mistake would also become a penguin. Only Mikaela wasn't affected by the curse.

The crowd was terrified and immediately left the restaurant like they saw a terrifying monster.

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