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On the morrow, at exactly 10 in the morning, Cruella looks for Dylan alone. Well, she had nothing to do since the girls were busy with their own business.

Lucy was studying the book left by the great sage and familiarized herself with all the information she had received at the dungeon before. The spirit of the great sage is now standing in front of the 4-year-old Lucy as her teacher. Lucy was determined to get stronger just like her big sister so she was diligent in her studies. Fortunately, Lucy was a genius and quickly learned everything the great sage imparted to her.

For her privacy, the girls didn't bother Lucy.

As for Sera, she accompanied Meira around the capital. They were also looking for a house to move in and sell some treasures. While they were at it, they couldn't help but banter with each other at every small thing. However, despite acting like a cat and a dog that couldn't seem to get well with each other, they know it doesn't affect their current relationship. They were now closer than before.

Sera and Meira treat each other as frenemies before their demise. They used to duel and banter a lot like little children. But that's what makes them closer like sisters. With Cruella as a bridge to their connection and with Meira's memory lost, Sera finally let go of her grudge and treats Meira like her real sister. However, they couldn't stop their childish banter as though it was already etched in their bones.

Well, what's important is that they're happy now.

Meanwhile, Mikaela went to the black market and bought all the things she needed in her experiments. Her deeply rooted obsession with experiments keeps her afloat. She now enjoys her experiments even more when she meets the girls, especially Cruella. They give her inspiration and motivation to keep improving and do better experiments this time-not the harmful ones. She ought to do good things now and correct her mistakes.

Mikaela was inexplicably excited and couldn't help herself from buying a lot of ingredients and materials. Unbeknownst to her, her bright appearance-contrary to her dark and gloomy attire before-attracted the people. Her beauty is one of a kind and her charm is overflowing whenever she smiles brightly. Her charm alone dominates the entire black market and whenever she passes by everyone turns to look at her and stop what they're doing.

Unaware of such attention, Mikaela continues doing her business with a happy face.

Mikaela isn't the only one receiving such attention. Sera and Meira's beauty also dazzled the people every time they passed by.

In just a few hours, they became popular in the capital so much so that men lined up just to see them.

However, when other people notice Cruella walking leisurely on the streets happily eating sweets, they are completely enamored and bewitched by her beauty. They saw hearts at the sight of her ethereal beauty. The most eye-catching is Cruella's silver-red hair. It was as though they were bound by a spell at every sway of Cruella's hair and they were etching to touch it.

Cruella has a unique physique in the entire universe. She has a natural allure that charmed people the longer they stared at her. Despite concealing her natural allure, it still couldn't hide completely.

Cruella was aware of the people's desire to touch her hair. Thus, she secretly casts a spell around her that prevents people from approaching her except the people she wants to get closer to her.

With that done, she continued looking for Dylan. Well, that's because she forgot to ask his address when they separated last night.

The reason why she was looking for Dylan is of course to get him to be her guide in the capital.

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