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The pink toad Alecia was so frightened that she fainted on the spot.

Cruella frowned and lost interest all of a sudden. How could she be so weak?

Meanwhile, the surrounding crowd was dumbfounded. How could a little child frighten the pink toad, Alecia? It was ridiculous.

They silently mocked Alecia in their hearts. The arrogant woman finally got retribution for all the things she did. She acts like a princess, but now she's just a disgusting toad.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside, and plenty of knights appeared. A middle-aged nobleman with an overpowering demeanor walking solemnly in the middle. It was none other than Alecia's father, Marquess Alejandro Dionne.

Marquess Dionne swept his gaze in the crowd, but couldn't spot his daughter which made him confused. He just got word that her unruly daughter was confronting the group of girls who humiliated her in the restaurant yesterday.

"Where's my daughter?" Marquess Dionne looked around and frowned when he saw a pink toad lying unconscious on the floor. He felt disgusted.

"Why is there a toad here? Who brought this thing? Anyone get this monster away and toss it somewhere!" he ordered with a displeased tone. He felt disgusted.

Immediately, the knights take action and check if the toad is still alive. When they found out it was still alive, they stood there warily and bound the toad with heavy chains.

Hearing what the Marquess said, the surrounding crowd felt ridiculous. He had no idea that it was his daughter he was going to toss away. They don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Someone suddenly laughed out loud among the crowd. The laugh was contagious and the others burst into peals of laughter. They couldn't help it because it was hilarious.

Marquess Dionne and his people were puzzled as to why everyone was laughing. The knights also stopped what they were doing and glanced at the people who were stifling a laugh.

A middle-aged man suddenly pointed out while suppressing a laugh. "Marquess Dionne, that pink toad is your daughter, Alecia Dionne."

"What?" Marquess Dionne was dumbfounded in disbelief. His face darkened, and he reprimanded the man, "Are you pulling my leg? Do you have a death wish?" His aura was scary, and everyone stopped laughing.

Cruella and the girls quickly realized that Marquess Dionne was the pink toad's father. Thus, they couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Marquess Dionne furrowed his brows and looked at the laughing group of girls. However, he was stunned after seeing the ethereal looks of the three girls. His eyes glinted with lust, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He was like a hungry hyena.

Even though the marquess was in his late fifties, he was still energetic and indulged in bodily pleasure.

"Beautiful ladies, pardon my rudeness. It seems you are new in this city as I haven't seen you before. May I know your name?" Marquess Dionne sounds gentlemanly, but in truth, his eyes glinted with cunning.

However, the girls can see through his real intentions and sneer in disdain.

Sera scoffed in disgust. "Old man, you are not worthy to know our name. You better get out of our noses and take your toad of a daughter away. Don't mess with us, or we will turn you into a toad as well."

Marquess Dionne was stunned and went into a fury. He was respected in the entire city. Wherever he went, all people would greet him with reverence. No one talked rudely to him before. As such, he was very displeased. He fumed in rage. "Presumptuous! How dare you?!"

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