Chapter 27: Perfect Ending

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Terry P.O.V.

"I know all this 'trying to change' shit has been stressing you out so here. Take it."

She shook her head no. I smiled but then my smile quickly turned into a frown when I heard her say, "No, I need something stronger. Got any cocaine?"

My mouth hung open for a little while, I didn't even respond.

"Hello." She said, waving her hand in my face. "Earth to Terry."

"Oh, sorry. I think I have some." I hesitated giving it to her. I couldn't do this. I couldn't give it to her. I just couldn't.

"I'm sorry Tami but I can't do it. I can't have you go back to your old habits again."

She had this smirk on her face like she knew my plan all along. "I knew you couldn't go through with it. Terry I know you well enough now and you can't test me anymore."

My cheeks turn red in embarrassment. Looks like she caught on to what I was trying to do. She leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. "Its ok baby, I know you were only trying to see if I was serious about changing."


"I am Terry. I'm serious about changing. I know it'll take some time but I'm willing to put the work in it."

I smiled and was relieved to hear Tami say that.

"I've even decided to go to therapy." She sighed.

"Really?" I was shocked. Tami never wanted to go to therapy. She thought going to therapy was basically proving to everyone that she was crazy. I was very proud of Tami for taking that huge step. She put aside her worries and fears and did what she thought would be best for her.

I pulled her into my arms and hugged her so tight. I didn't ever want to let go.

"Terry, you're squeezing the life out of me."

I let her go. "Sorry but I'm just so proud of you. You're not sitting around feeling sorry for yourself or pushing everyone who wants to help you away. You're actually trying your best to get through this."

"I know. I couldn't keep letting my parents ruin my life and I had to stop living in the past. I want to try and forgive them but its hard. Its really hard Terry." A tear slipped down her cheeks.

I held her as she cried on my chest. "They destroyed every little bit of happiness I had." She wailed.

"I know baby, I know. But look on the bright side. They're in jail and you're here. You can create a better life for yourself. Kya, Bri, Lena and I will all be here for you when you need us. Whenever you feel like life is just getting too hard, you can talk to one of us and we'll help you. Or better yet, talk to God."

She wiped her tears and sighed. "You're right."

I smiled. "I wanted to talk to you about something Tami. Something I've been thinking about doing."

"What is it?" I could tell she was nervous. I felt her heartbeat speed up.

"I don't want to be a drug dealer anymore."

She looked shocked and confused. I could understand why because the amount of money I was making on a daily basis would be hard to just let go of and a lot of people wouldn't want to go back to just having a regular job.

I could also see a tinch of happiness in her face. "I'm glad you want to stop but how are you going support your family? Your mom will have to go back to working all the time an-

I stopped her mid sentence. "I know and I already talked to her about it. She said she'll miss not having to work but she understands and she'll support whatever I want to do. I have a lot of money saved up anyways and I'll get a regular job for the time being."

"What made you want to stop?"

"You. In the midst of you trying to change, I was changing too. I was trying to help you change and everything and I realized I had some changing to do myself. I thought about my future and how I could end up in jail for the rest of my life by selling all these drugs. All its going to take is one cop searching my house and I'll be put into jail. I just thought about how that would hurt my mother and how that would hurt you. I couldn't leave you like that Tam."

"Wow. I can't believe this. I caused you to want to change." The smile on her face was so wide and beautiful. She hugged me and said she was proud of me.

"I knew it was hard for you to let go of all that but I'm glad you did."

"I am too."


Tami was getting her life back on track and was seeing a therapist regularly. She was getting better as time passed. She began to let go of the anger she had towards her parents. She was no longer having suicidal thoughts and she was beginning to actually enjoy her life. Terry stopped selling drugs and got a job at his uncle's auto repair shop. He realized he was good at working with cars and made enough money to support him and his mom. Kya, Bri and Tami were back to being the three musketeers and their friendship couldn't be any stronger. Every Sunday Kya and Bri would meet up at Tami's house and try to bake something new with the help of Lena. It was a way for them to spend quality time with each other. Lena was beginning to grow on Tami and her friends and she treated them like her own kids. She loved them with all her heart and would do anything for them. Although the year was crazy and rough for all of them, they all managed to get through it and change themselves for the better.


Well that's the end of the book. Hope you guys liked it and thanks for all your support. Love you guys :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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