Chapter 14: Believe what you want

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Tami P.O.V.

"Now can I please know the reason why you kept trying to avoid me today?" 

I could tell by Terry's body language that he didn't want to talk about it and it was making him uncomfortable that I was bringing it up again. 

"You promised you would talk about it." I said in an aggressive tone. 

"I know, I know." He sighed. "I just feel like I can't trust you after what had happened. I was avoiding you because I didn't want you to ask me anymore questions about it." 

"Terry you can trust me." 

He looked at me as if I had just said the most stupidest thing. "I can't trust you Tami. I have to gain your trust back." 

I crossed my arms against my chest and pouted. "Ok, I understand." 

Terry smiled. "Good." 

I rolled my eyes. Gaining Terry's trust back was going to be hard. But it's going to be worth it. I just have to find out why he has all those drugs. I just have to.

Brielle P.O.V.

I was over at Lucas's house working on our project. I was having a hard time doing it because all I could think about was that bet. I just need to know if what Tami was saying was true. If it is, I'm going to be heart broken. 

"Get some work done, Bri." Lucas said softly. 

I sighed. "I'll try." 

"Is something wrong?" 

Should I tell him about the things I've been hearing about him? I think I should. I wonder what he's going to say when I tell him this. 

"Yes, something is wrong. Lucas I've been hearing some things about you and I just want to know if they're true." 

Lucas furrowed his brows in confusion. "What have you heard?"

"About this so called bet you made to sleep with me in two weeks and if you don't you have to give Tyler fifty bucks."

He looked at me as if I what I was saying was ludicrous. "WHAT THE HELL? I would never do that. Who told you this?" 

He looked like he was getting angrier by the minute. 

"It was just somebody, don't worry about who." 

"Don't tell me that bullshit Brielle." He scoffed. "I know you know who said it. Now tell me." He demanded. Lucas was starting to scare me. I've never seen him so angry before. 

Should I tell him or not? I wasn't sure.

"Brielle, I need to know who's spreading these lies about me!" 

"Ok ok I'll tell you. It was Tami." 

"TAMI?" He said incredulously. "TAMI??? Why the fuck does she have my name in her mouth? How did she....ohhh." 

Lucas's reaction was confusing me. He started off angry but then seemed like it was all starting to make sense to him. 

"Don't believe a word Tami says Bri. Don't. Everything that comes out of that girl's mouth is a lie. I can't believe you would believe a girl who has a drug dealer as a boyfriend." 

Even though I wasn't friends with Tami anymore, I couldn't help but feel angry at his comment. "Don't say those things about Tami." 

"Its true Bri. She even told me a few things about you. I know they aren't true that's why I never confronted you about them. I don't believe everything I hear." 

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