Chapter 3: Feeling Regretful

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A few days later.....

Kya P.O.V.

I still couldn't believe I told Bri about the weekend I spent with Tami. I was not sure how I felt about the situation. Every time I brung it up to Tami she became quiet and distant. I tried to pretend it never happened but it was kind of hard to do that when you knew your best friend was getting mentally and physically abused by her parents. I cried so much that night. I couldn't believe the nice people I thought Mr and Mrs.Davis were, were actually people who were abusing their daughter constantly. At first I thought it was only Mr.Davis who was abusive but then I realized that Mrs.Davis abuses Tami too, just mentally not physically. I've witnessed her calling her worthless and stupid. She also tends to yell at her a lot. I knew I seemed like a bad friend to know all this information and not say anything but I just didn't want her to be taken away from her parents and for her to be mad at me and never talk to me again. I just couldn't imagine that.


Screaming from the room below woke me up from my sleep. I yawned and noticed that Tami wasn't beside me in bed. I got up and quietly crept down the steps and crouched down so I could hear what all the ruckus was about.

I saw Tami and Mrs. Davis cuddled up in a corner and Mr.Davis was in front of them screaming his lungs out. I've never seen Mr.Davis so angry before. His eyes were bulging from rage. The veins in his neck looked like they were about to pop out. His once tanned skin tone was now radish red. 

"You fucking bitch you can't ever do anything right!" Mr.Davis yelled. 

Mrs.Davis looked like a little scared child. Tears were welling up in her eyes. I just wanted to go there and give Ms.Davis a hug and tell her everything was going to be fine. But of course I couldn't do that. I didn't want to make everything worst.

I turned around and looked at the clock and it read 4:00. Who argues this early in the morning? 

"I'm sorry!" Mrs.Davis sobbed. 

"Sorry doesn't fix anything." He slapped her full across her face. She collapsed down on her knees and started crying. 

"Please don't hurt her again!" Tami begged. I guess he got tired of Tami's pleads because next thing I knew he slapped her too. I couldn't sit there and watch all this go down any longer so I hurried back into Tami's room. I got in bed and pretended nothing happened.

Seconds later I heard Tami's footsteps. She laid right next to me and said "Don't you dare tell anyone what you saw today. If you do I promise I will never ever talk to you ever again!" 

I didn't want to keep thinking about that horrible weekend so I just pushed it in the back of my mind.

My mom was outside waiting for me. I kissed Kevin goodbye before I stepped into the car. My mom was frowning. 

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You know what's wrong!" 

My mom always got like this whenever she saw me with Kevin. She acted like he was a bad influence on me. 

The rest of the car ride was quiet until I broke the silence by asking my mother this. "If you knew one of your friends was getting abused and they told you not to say anything, would you still go and tell somebody?"

My mom stopped the car so hard I felt like I was about to go flying out of my seatbelt. 

"What makes you ask that?" She asked, incredulously.

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