Seonghwa | Cuddling & Movies | Fluff

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You walked over to the front door, excited the mail was finally here. The only thing that could lift your mood right now. Your package. However, to your surprise, the door opens and Seonghwa is stood there. Maybe there was something else that could lift your mood.

"What are you doing here?" You smile, looking up at him. His dark hair was hanging over his eyes, which were looking at you, full of love. His honey-like skin glowed in the setting sun.

"Your exam was today wasn't it?" He spoke softly.

You scrunched your face and dropped your head. "Ugh don't even remind me of that. I just don't understand I-  I studied hard! I did!"

Seonghwa bit his bottom lip, his smile was now gone. He reached an arm out to grab your hand and pulls you closer to him. You wrap your arms around him, and he places one hand around your waist and the other on the back of your head, slowly stroking. He knew you had been studying for it for a couple of weeks, almost every day. He felt so bad that it was all for nothing. "I know you did." His voice sounds comforting and soothing, coming from above your head, and slightly muffled from your head buried into the fabric of his clothes.

After a minute or so, you pull away. "Ah sorry- come in." You realise that you've both been standing on
your doorstep this whole time.

Seonghwa walks in and closes the door behind him, before following you to your room. You collapse onto your bed, and exhale.

"Have you told your mom yet?" He asked, making his way to sit next to you on the bed. You had already explained to him a few days ago that your mom was expecting very high marks in this test. She could get very mad and scary at times.

You sat up and looked into his eyes. "No... I'm scared. What if she- doesn't let us hang out anymore? Because you're too much of a 'distraction'."

Seonghwa couldn't help a small laugh. "She wouldn't do that. Your mom likes me, right?" He wasn't wrong. He had come over for dinner once, and your mom loved how respectful, handsome, and polite he was. Asking hundreds of questions, eagerly listening to his responses, piling more and more food onto his plate. She had practically fallen for him herself.

"I guess so. But still. I just don't understand why I did so badly. I only got ten more marks than my last exam." You looked down at your hands, giving a slight pout. Suddenly you felt Seonghwa's fingers under your chin, as he turned your head up to look at him, only a few inches away from each other. He looked deep into your eyes for a few seconds, before speaking.

"That's still an improvement. Over time you'll get a lot better, and do well in the exams. I know you can." He was talking with such a warm, calm voice, and you knew he meant what he was saying.

Seonghwa's face moved closer to yours, and your eyes naturally closed. He placed his mouth on yours, gentle but firm. You melt into the kiss and lean into him. The hand which had been under your chin was now on the side of your jaw. His full, pink lips were soft and warm against yours. You could smell his cologne giving off an amazing scent, and you placed a hand lightly on his chest. You allowed all your stress to leave your body as you fell into the rhythm of the kiss. It was only some seconds long, but it felt like minutes and minutes of pure heaven.

When you eventually pull away, you look at him, and study his eyes. How they were so big and looked like they had stars in them. How whenever he looked at you, they filled with love and made him look so cute.

"Thank you for coming over today, Seonghwa. I really needed it."

"Of course." He replies, before leaning over your body to grab the tv remote from your bedside table. You feel yourself blush as his body brushes against your chest. "Are you up for a movie?" He smiles at you.


You both decide on a cute romcom, and lie back to rest your heads on the pillows of your bed. However, after a few minutes you decide to switch to his chest instead. When you do so, he places his hand on your head, stroking gently, just like earlier.

When the movie finishes, it has gotten dark outside, and you were close to falling asleep, curled up with Seonghwa.

As he starts to stand up, you take hold of his wrist. "Don't go," you murmur, half asleep.

He hesitates, sitting up in the bed. "Don't you want to have a good rest after today?" He asks, watching as you eyes keep closing, a sure sign you were tired. He couldn't help smiling at how adorable you looked.

"I'll get a better rest if I know you're here next to me." You open your eyes properly now, and look up at him with big eyes.

Seonghwa could not resist whenever you looked at him like that. He jokingly rolls his eyes, takes off his jumper and leaves it on the chair next to your bed, before climbing in.

He pulls the covers of your bed open, encouraging you to get in, as you had just been laying on top of them during the movie. When you do, he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, and making you the little spoon.

"Y/N." He all of a sudden breaks the silence, his voice deeper, almost like a morning voice.

"Mhm?" You reply, sleepily, but at the same time feeling very attracted to his voice right now.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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