Mingi | First Party | Fluff, Smut

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(This is an extra long one- but I kinda love it....)

The door opens and instantly the noise rushes out. Your eyes dot about, not even knowing what to look at first.

As you both walk through the door, you felt so overwhelmed by all the people in the room. There had to be like 70 people, just in these two rooms of the house alone.

Mingi reaches down to take hold of your hand, and leads you through the crowd. The loud music fills your ears, and you can feel the bass vibrating through your body. As you walk, every now and then people dancing would bump into you. Mingi looks back and notices, and pulls his hand in closer, tightening the gap between you and him.

Suddenly, Mingi stops walking, as a tall and attractive man gives him a big smile and a handshake. You look up to see why Mingi had stopped.

"Hey, Mingi! You showed up!" He shouts over the loud music and talking. Yunho. Part of Mingi's friend group. All together, they were probably the most popular guys at school. Although there wasn't really a certain, hugely popular friend group like in the movies, these guys were very well known at school. Honestly, you had no idea how you ended up with Mingi.

"When do I not?" He replies, laughing.

"Want a can?" Yunho swings his arm over Mingi's shoulder, and holds up the can.

Mingi shakes his head. "Nah, I'm driving tonight."

"Driving??" Yunho looked at him confused, removing his arm from Mingi's shoulder and taking a chug of the can.

"Mhm. I'm driving Y/N home." It was partly that. But also that he wanted to make sure he could look after you tonight. It was your first ever proper high school party. Of course you had been to the occasional small party with some friends and drinks, but this was nothing like those. This was crazy. It was San's party- another member of the friend group- so of course it was going to be on another level.

"Oh. So you're seriously not drinking at all?" Yunho raised an eyebrow. "That's unusual. Anyway have you seen San yet? He was asking if you were coming, since he didn't see you earlier."

"Oh yeah, I was a little late." Mingi turned to his side and gave you a little wink and a squeeze of your hand. After he picked you up from your house, you had spent a little while making out in his car. You give him a small smile back and he reaches down to give your ear a quick peck. Yunho just watched you guys with a blank expression.

"I'll find him eventually. See ya." Mingi again leads you, and you both walk out through the kitchen into the back garden. Oh god there was more people out here too.

The fresh air felt so refreshing, though, after being in that stuffy house. Both of you walked over to a big table piled up with drinks. You grab a red plastic cup and pour yourself some cola, followed by some vodka. Mingi was stood at your side, watching you.

You turn to face him. "Are you sure you don't want to drink? I can just take a cab..." You think about what Yunho said earlier.

"Of course not. I'm fine."

"But it seems like you usually drink a lot- you don't have to stay sober because of me." You look up at him with guilty eyes.

"Y/N. I can go without drinking for one night. Who do you think I am?" He laughs, whilst taking off his jacket and putting it over your shoulders. He wraps his arms around your waist from behind, and rests his head in your neck, giving it small kisses.

You stay like this for a while, both of you swaying gently, and you occasionally taking sips from your cup.

A little while later, Mingi pulls away and reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a little box. From the other pocket he pulls out a lighter. You watch as he takes out a cigarette and holds up a hand to block the wind, lighting it and holding it to his lips. You study his long fingers which hold the cigarette so gently. A few seconds later he turns his head away from you to part his lips and release the white smoke. Why did you find this so attractive?

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