Yunho | Drunk Calling | Fluff

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You sat up, and looked to your bedside desk. The alarm clock read 2am. Why the hell was he calling at this time?

You click the accept button, but before you can say anything, Yunho starts speaking.

"Y/N.... Y/N, hi baby." His voice was a little slurred, and it sounded like he was smiling as he spoke.

You rub your eyes, sitting up in your bed. "Yunho? Are you okay? Why are you calling at 2am?"

"Y/N, my princess, I love you. I love you soo much. And I miss you. A lot. Really, a lot." All his sentences were combining into one, except for a few laughs between words. He sounded like he was just saying words, not thinking just speaking.

"Yunho are you alone?" You bit your lip.

There was a little pause on the other side. "Yeah. I'm alone, so you know what?" A small chuckle. "You should come over. I'm... um... yeah I'm at home. Right? Yeah... I am."

"Baby what are you even saying? Are you drunk? You didn't tell me you were going out tonight- how much did you drink? Yunho, answer me." Your eyebrows were furrowed with both concern and confusion. You knew how lightweight he was.

"I am answering you." He muttered.

"How much did you drink, Yunho?"

He groaned. "I didn't even drink that much.... ask San- I was with him. Was Mingi also there? I think. Maybe..." He laughed again.

You rolled your eyes, and stood up from your bed. "Yunho I'm coming over. You are at home right?" You ask, whilst turning on the light, and making your way to get your shoes from your wardrobe.

"Yes please come baby. I miss you soo much. Did I tell you already?"

Quickly putting your shoes on, you can't help but give a tiny smile. God, he was kind of cute. "We only saw each other this morning."

You get into your car, and as fast as possible, start making your way to his house. Luckily, it was only ten minutes away.

You were still on the phone with him. "Stay on the call, okay?" You wait a few seconds, but he doesn't say a thing. "Yunho?"

You hear a small sound of movement. "I-I'm here baby..." His voice was tired and low, it was clear he had just drifted off to sleep for a second.

"I'll only be a minute or two."


You get to his front door, and reach into your coat pocket. Shit. You left your copy of his keys at home. You ring the doorbell, and speak into the phone. "I'm here, can you open the door?"

He doesn't respond, but you hear him moving around. Soon enough, the front door opens.

Yunho stood there, tired eyes meeting yours. His shirt was unbuttoned at the top, and his tie was loosened and out of place. Clearly he had gone out straight after work. Although his eyes constantly looked like they were about to close, you could still see the happiness in them.

"Baby. You're here." He steps forward, and wraps around you. Almost all his weight dropped onto you, as he hugged you tightly.

Struggling to hold him up, you take his arm and lead him back inside, sitting him down on the couch. You stand next to him, catching your breath, when you feel his warm hand reach up and hold yours. He slightly tugs, encouraging you to sit next to him. You do, and he faces you.

"I missed you a lot you know. Really. And I wanted to tell you."

You can't help but laugh. "Yunho, you've told me three times tonight." His face was close to yours, and you could smell the strong alcohol on him.

"Please kiss me Y/N. I was thinking about you the whole evening. I want you so, so bad." His eyes were drooped and half closed, but didn't break contact with you for a single second.

The corners of your mouth slightly turn up. For a second, he didn't even sound drunk. He just sounded like himself, but more tired. You can't help yourself, and you place your lips on his. He kisses you back, tongue entering you instantly. He lets out a soft, quiet groan as he devours your top lip. You can now taste the alcohol.

After half a minute or so, you feel his hand start crawling up the front of your shirt, and fingering your bra.

You pull away, hand resting on his chest. "Yunho, love, I don't think we should do this today." Although you were so tempted, you knew it was best if he slept and recovered fully.

He bites his lip, before giving a small pout. Almost laughing, you reach out your hand and rub your thumb gently across his cheek. "You're clearly tired, and very... very drunk."

"What do you mean, I'm fine.."

"Tomorrow, baby, I promise." You say, as a small smile forms on his lips. "Come here, get some rest."

Yunho moves closer to you, and lies down, resting his head on your lap. You stroke his head gently, running your hand through his hair- which you knew was his guilty pleasure.

Only a minute passes, but you feel his breathing pattern slow, and you lean your head forward to look at his face. He was fast asleep.

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