Yunho | Video Games | Fluff, Angst

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You walk over to where he sat at his desk, and tap his shoulder. Yunho removes one side of his headphones and looks up at you with sparkling eyes.

"Hey I'm gonna go watch a movie, do you want to join me?" You give him a small smile.

He looks up at you, and hesitates. Your cute, innocent smile was irresistible to him. "Sure, one second. Start without me and I'll be there soon." He smiles back, and places the headphone back on his ear.

You give a small nod, and start walking out his bedroom door. You would've liked for Yunho to come with you, but his encouraging smile made you trust that he would be here soon.

You sit down on the couch, and notice that Yunho's roommate- Seonghwa- was behind you in the kitchen. You had become pretty good friends with him, since you were always around.

"Hey. Where's Yunho?" He asks, finding it strange that you were sat on the couch alone. He also seemed to notice that you didn't look as happy as usual.

"He's in his room playing video games. He said he'll be here soon to watch a movie with me though." You give him smile, but it wasn't as bright your usual smiles.

Seonghwa nods, taking a water bottle from the fridge. "Okay well, i'll be in my room. Tell me if he doesn't show up and i'll give him a piece of my mind!" He says, and you both laugh. Soon enough, he disappears to his room.

You exhale, and grab the remote.

Half an hour later, you hear the click of a door opening, and quickly turn your head, hopeful. You bite your lip when you realise it's just Seonghwa.

His eyes dart around the room. "Is that jerk still not here?" He rolls his eyes, and comes to sit next to you on the couch. "I told you to tell me if he didn't show."

You shake your head. "It's fine. He's probably in the middle of something important."

Seonghwa raises an eyebrow. "Something important...? On a video game...?" The movie on the tv catches his attention. He watches for a few seconds. "Wait why is she getting in that random guy's car?"

"Because he's her boyfriend."

He has a confused look on his face, and you can't help but laugh. "But she just told that girl that he was a stranger."

"Yeah because they're secretly dating. He's actually a celebrity, so they have to hide it."

"Ooh interesting." He says, and makes himself comfortable on the couch.

Once the movie finishes, you stay talking for a while. You always had a really good time talking about random stuff with Seonghwa- but you never, ever felt attracted to him. It was just a really nice friendship. You just kind of... understood each other.

Five minutes later, Yunho's door opens, and he slowly steps out. You were just laughing at something Seonghwa had said, and he bites his lip. It wasn't in jealousy, but rather guilt. That you were having a better time with him, because he had left you alone. He was your boyfriend- he was supposed to be making you laugh, but instead... he had made you feel alone.

Seonghwa's eyes turn to Yunho, and he quickly stands up. "Hey Yunho, can I talk to you for a second?" He takes hold of his shoulder, and nudges him back into Yunho's room.

Only around half a minute or so later, Yunho walks out of the room, followed by Seonghwa. Seonghwa walks past you, going to his room, and winks at you on the way. "Told you i'd give him a piece of my mind." You hide a smile, and he disappears into his room.

"Y/N? Did you already watch the film?" Yunho walks slowly over to you, and sits on the couch. His head is dropped, shy.

You reply, quietly. "Yeah. I finished it ten minutes ago."

Yunho's eyebrows are furrowed with guilt. He turns his head to face you, and places his hand over yours. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I really am. I was just playing the game and... I completely forgot. It was just one more game, and then another one... and another one. I know that's not an excuse, but... well there isn't any excuses. I should've come here with you, and I feel so terrible."

You finally turn to look at him- you had been trying to avoid eye contact. You had every reason to be mad. But you weren't. Sure, you weren't happy about it, but you understood that it was just a mistake. And besides, it had never happened before- it wasn't as if it was a regular thing.

"You don't have to forgive me, but please let me make it up to you at least. If you- if you stay over tonight I'll cuddle you all night, and we can go out somewhere tomorrow. You'll have my full attention for the rest of the night. Please?" He doesn't break eye contact for a second, and you can really see the guilt in his eyes.

The corner of your lip curls up, in a tiny smile. "Okay. I'll stay over. And of course I forgive you. You're allowed your own time, even if it is for like, three hours." You give him a jokey glare, along with a pout, but he glances down, feeling bad.

You place your hand under his chin, and push it back up, so that he's looking at you again. You wrap your hands around his neck, and give him a tight hug. He hugs you back, and after a little while, pulls away to look you in the eyes. He kisses you, and you can feel all the love he has for you.

The kiss was long, and innocent, and when you eventually pull away, Yunho puts his arm around you. You rest your head on his chest.

"I love you." He says.

"More than your video games?"

"Video games are nothing compared to you." He laughs, leaning back to lie down, resting his head on the armrest and pulling you with him. Your head rested on his chest and he stroked it gently.

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