San | Steamy Shower | Smut, Fluff

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The front door opens and closes, and you look up. A few seconds later, San walks through the doorway into the living room, where you were sat on the couch.

"San! How was work? You came back later than usual today." You reach your head up and give him a small kiss.

"Hey baby. Yeah it was okay. I'm just gonna go take a quick shower." He looks down at you and gives you a very faint smile. You study his face- his lips were in a smile, but his eyes remained blank, and tired.

As he walks away, you glance down at the floor, biting your lip. Something clearly wasn't alright- by the sounds of it, he'd probably had a long day at work. It pained you to see him anything other than happy. You were so used to him coming home everyday with a big smile on his face, giving you a loving kiss and lots of cuddles. In fact, every day it was a struggle to get him off you, he would wrap his arms around you so tightly.

Ten minutes or so pass, and you decide to stand up from the couch. For the last five minutes you had been debating going to check on him or not, since you didn't want to disrupt him. What if he had just wanted some time alone, in the shower?

But finally, you make the decision to go to the bathroom. It wasn't as if you had any... underlying intentions. You simply were going to ask him how he was, and maybe even join him- if he wanted.

You walk down the hallway to the bathroom door, and give a small knock.

"Y/N?" San says, his voice muffled through the door. "Come in." He adds.

You twist the door handle, and walk in. Instantly, you're welcomed with a thick wave of steam.

"What's up?" He says, and you look over at him. Your eyes had adjusted to the warm fog, and you see San stood tall in the shower. His hair was wet, falling in strands over his eyes.

You awkwardly stand there for a few seconds, completely forgetting what you were planning on saying. "Um. Well I was just coming here to... ask if I could have a shower now." You stare up into San's eyes, biting your lip. The steam making your clothes stick to your skin was starting to bother you. Just as San opens his mouth to answer, you start taking off your shirt, and placing it by the sink. "God it's hot in here."

San clears his throat. "Yeah I'll be done in a minute." He looks down at you, in your bra. "In the meantime, come in with me, it'll feel less hot and humid if you're actually in the water."

You nod, and begin to remove all your clothes, leaving them with your shirt. Once you're done, San holds a hand out for you to grab, as he helps you step into the shower without slipping.

He takes a small step back, letting you get under the shower head. The water drops feel so soothing on your back.

San watches you with a little smile, a bit more convincing than earlier, but still not entirely believable.

After letting out a little sigh, you open your mouth. "San, baby, are you okay? You're really not yourself today. You don't seem as... happy. And I hate seeing you like that- I really do."

As you speak, he watches you carefully. He hesitates. "I mean, yeah I guess work wasn't great today. It was... just a really long day." He thinks for a few seconds. "Wait, did you come here to ask me that?"

You stutter, shaking your head. "What? No, I told you I needed to take a shower."

His lips curl up into a smile, and this time you can see it in his eyes. It was obvious you were lying.

You can't help but smile too. "There we go. A genuine smile. You don't know how much I wanted to see that."

He didn't realise how worried you were about him. "God I love you, Y/N." He reaches down a hand, and wraps it around your waist. He pulls you in close to him, and looks down into your eyes. Before you can do anything, he places his lips on yours, and gives you a deep kiss. You were expecting it to be a short, quick peck, but he doesn't stop, and sucks on your top lip.

You place a hand on his neck, kissing him back. When you feel his hand on your waist moving up dangerously close to your breast, you can't help but moan into the kiss. When you do this, he pulls away for a second, a smirk on his face. "Do you want to... stay in here a bit longer with me?" He says in a soft, seductive tone.

You push back the wet strands of hair covering his eyes, and smile. "How could I decline such an offer?" You say, giving him an alluring look.

"When you look at me like that, Y/N..." He makes his way back to your lips, and grabs hold of your left thigh. He pulls it up to his side, and you wrap it around his waist.

The water falling over you two turned you both on, even more. San was so hard, and because you were so close, he brushed against your opening a few times. You couldn't help but groan, and whisper. "San, please."

He replies back, in a low, breathy voice. "Okay baby."

Still holding your leg in place, he enters you, slowly. Your back arches as you feel him hit your sweet spot, instantly. Fuck, he knew exactly how to please you. He begins thrusting in and out of you, faster and deeper every time. The only thing keeping you from collapsing to the floor was him holding you up.

He notices your leg shaking beneath you. "Stay strong for me, my love, hm?" His grip on you tightened.

San lets out quiet groans, and exhales heavily into the steamy air. With each thrust he gave, you gripped harder onto his shoulder. You were sure your nails were going to rip into his skin any second, but honestly, the pain pleased him.

You feel yourself so close, as he hits your spot again and again, and you moan. However, the sounds of the water hitting against the floor was louder than you.

"I can't hear you baby, scream louder for me." San lets out, between heavy breaths.

You do as instructed, and he smiles. With one last thrust, you feel yourself cum, and you both moan.

Your head falls down to rest on his shoulder, bringing all your body weight along with it. You can feel San's chest moving up and down against yours, as you both catch your breath.

You kiss one last time, before San assists you in placing your leg back on the floor. He holds you carefully, one hand on your waist and one in your hand, just in case your legs were too weak to hold you up. Quite frankly, they almost did give out on you, so your grip onto him tightly.

"Looks like we're going to have to get cleaned up again." He says, encouraging you to step closer to the water stream.

Whilst you relax under the water for a bit, San leans against the wall, watching you carefully. "Thank you for worrying about me, baby. And I'm sorry that I didn't come home and greet you like I should've. You have nothing to do with whatever happens at work, I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I love you. I love you so much more than you could imagine."

"I love you too, and don't worry about all of that. You're allowed to be in a bad mood sometimes you know. It happens to me all the time." You both laugh. You take hold of his hand, and pull him closer, so that he was under the water too.

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