Wooyoung | Attention | Smut

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The words on the page started to jumble in your head, and you groaned out of frustration. Nothing made any sense to you at this point.

All of a sudden, you hear a little knock on your bedroom door. The person outside doesn't spend much time waiting for an answer. He just walked straight in.

"Y/N? How much longer will you be?"

You turn in your spinning chair, looking up at the tall, brown haired boy. "Wooyoung. I really have to study hard today. The exam is in two days!"

He walks closer to you, standing just inches away from you. He bends down slightly to place a strand of hair behind your ear. "But you've been here all day. And all of yesterday. And the day before that." Wooyoung's face was so close that you could feel his breath on you. He glances down at your lips, and then back to your eyes. "Just give me a few minutes of your time, baby."

You bite your lip, feeling incredibly tempted. But you can't. "Look, do you think I'd rather study than be with you? Of course not. But this exam is so important, you know that." He gives a small sigh, and you roll your eyes. "Hey. Don't make me feel guilty."

"Then just let me cuddle you for 10 minutes."


"5 minutes."

You shake your head firmly, and he gave a small pout, before placing a quick kiss on your lips. In a sluggish manner, he goes to sit down on the end of your bed.

You turn around, back to your desk, and try studying for a few minutes. But still, the words weren't making any sense, and the feeling of Wooyoung's eyes on you wasn't helping. Ready to give up, you lean back in your chair with your eyes closed.

Wooyoung reaches out a hand and grabs the side of your chair. He wheels you closer to where he sat on the bed, and the shock of it causes you to open your eyes.

"Hey what are you-"

You stare at him for a few seconds, before he begins to speak.

"Baby. Don't get too stressed over it, hm? There's no point staying at your desk, locked up in your room if you're not going to make any progress. You need a break, it's impossible to study well for hours on end."

"But there's no time for breaks and I-" He interrupts you with a kiss. His lips felt heavenly on you, as he increased the intensity. You grip onto his shoulder- which was necessary, unless you wanted to be wheeled away in your chair- and he clings onto your waist.

At the back of your mind you knew you should pull away, but you can't bring yourself to do so until a whole minute of kisses later. His hands trace their way to your shirt buttons, and you know you should stop here. "Wooyoung, I don't know if I can..."

"Y/N, baby, I swear, I'll leave you feeling so amazing after, that you'll be able to study better than before." He says in a breathy, low voice, whilst staring so deeply into your eyes. Now that he had come this close, he was desperately in need of you.

A small smile appears on your face. "Alright. You've convinced me this time."

Wooyoung can't help a smirk, as he throws himself back on your lips, tongue entering you. You let out a groan as he explores your mouth.

You assist him in pulling off your shirt, before unbuttoning his too, and dropping them both on the floor.

He takes hold of your hand and you stand up, as he pulls you to sit down next to him on the bed. "Sit up for me, love." You do as told, and his long fingers reach behind your back to unclip your bra. Instantly, it joins your shirts on the floor. Wooyoung applies slight pressure, making you lie down. He hovers over you, and gives your chest passionate kisses. It doesn't take long for them to move down to your breasts, and your back arches.

He stands up as he removes his trousers, followed by his boxers. He was already so hard.

Whilst he removed his, you removed the clothing that remained on you.

He makes his way back on top of you, and whispers. "I wanted you so bad, Y/N." His eyes stared deep into yours as he looked down at you, small smirk on his lips. Then, you feel his fingers reach down, slightly touching your opening, causing you to give a small groan. He looks back at you. "Seems like you wanted me too." He wasn't wrong. The second he swiped across your folds, you groan, and he comes into contact with your clit.

"You like that, hm?" He says, knowing damn well you did. His fingers slowly make circles on your clit, before getting faster and adding more pressure. Instantly you feel a wave of pleasure come over your body, and you feel your legs go weak. Your mouth was slightly agape, eyes shut, and Wooyoung looked down at you, admiring the view. God he loved seeing his impact on you. The way you fell apart under his touch.

"You look so beautiful like that." He let out a soft chuckle, before he removes his fingers, aligns his hips to yours, and starts to insert himself into you.

He slowly enters, and you sharply inhale. As he starts to thrust in and out, you dig your nails into his shoulder, holding on for dear life. "Fuck... Wooyoung..." You moan his name as he gets faster and deeper with every thrust.

In a breathy voice he replies. "Louder, Y/N. Let it all out. All that fucking stress, just let it out."

You do as he says, groaning, relaxing your body and feeling everything. You forget about the exams. You forget about all the chaos of life. You simply enjoy this moment.

Wooyoung is now fully inside you, and you feel him start to push against your sweet spots. He knew exactly where they were, and you close your eyes in pure pleasure.

You feel yourself getting closer and closer, and start to clench around him. Wooyoung feels you and moans out your name. His hand grips onto your hair, pulling at it stronger and stronger with each thrust.

"I'm so close, Wooyoung- pl- please.." It was getting harder and harder for you to speak.

He uses the last of his energy to thrust quickly into you. "Y/N... I'm going t-" He breathes out, but you interrupt him.

"N-not yet..." You desperately hold onto his shoulders.

Wooyoung helps you, using his fingers to again rub over your clit. A few times was all you needed. That familiar feeling washes over your body, and you moan a mix of his name and cuss words.

He looks down at your face as you cum, and smiles at your state. His gentle fingers push stray strands of hair out of your face.

Wooyoung gives your lips one final kiss, and collapses onto the bed next to you. You both catch your breath for a few seconds, and he pulls you in for a cuddle, making you the little spoon. His head rested just above yours, and he kept giving you tiny pecks. Around a minute passes, before he says something. "We need to get cleaned up... how about a quick shower? Or long..."

You sit up, and he follows you. "Definitely a long one. I think i'll just end my studying here for today. It is 11pm after all." As you say this, his lips turn into a big smile, and his eyes brighten. With that, you knew he wasn't going to leave you alone for the rest of the evening. He takes hold of your hand and leads you into the bathroom.

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