Yunho | On Your Period | Fluff

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It was around 9pm, and Yunho was still at work, training hard for the comeback. Your cramps are luckily, not too bad today, but still would love to have him here next to you right now.

Five minutes later, you're lying on the couch and hear your phone notification go off. Reaching over to the coffee table, you grab your phone.

-Hi love. I'm leaving work now, be there soon.

You smile at the text, before typing back a reply.

-Okay! Also... would you mind stopping at the store on the way? I need some period pads...

You felt so bad asking him to stop and buy something for you, after his long and tiring day at work, but you hadn't realised until just now that you had run out of pads. Within seconds, you get a reply.

-Of course. Anything else you need?

-That's all. Thank you~ I love you.

-I love you more.

You laugh to yourself. Yunho always had to tell you he loved you more. In the whole time you'd been together, you can't recall a time where you had the final say. He always loved you more.

Around twenty minutes later, you hear the keys in the door and can't help running over to it. There was no one you'd rather see than Yunho today.

He opens the door, surprised to see you standing there, waiting for him, and smiles. He looks so good, his hair a little messy from all the dancing, and his eyes big and happy.

"How are you feeling? Oh- here you go." He passes you the shopping bag and you accept it, before leaning in and giving him a long kiss.

"Thank you. And sorry for making you stop after a tiring day." You roll in your lips, feeling a little guilt.

Yunho closes the door behind him, and as he hangs his coat up on the hook, begins to speak, gently. "Don't ever apologise for that. It's really okay, and you needed them." He takes hold of your hand and leads you to sit with him on the sofa.

Only when you sit down, cuddled up to him, do you realise that the shopping bag is a little heavier than you would expect from a light pack of pads. You open the bag and look inside. "Yunho!" You exclaim, pulling out a small but fancy box of chocolates, and a little bouquet of red roses.

Yunho watches you, smiling as you look at everything in awe. He puts his two arms gently around your neck, and rests his head on yours.

"Thank you for all of this... I love you so much."

"I love you more." He kisses the top of your head.

Later that night, you're both asleep together in bed, when all of a sudden you wake up from terrible cramps. At first you try to ignore them and go back to sleep, but you can't. So instead you sit up and glance down at Yunho, who is fast asleep next to you. A tiny, soft laugh leaves your mouth as you watch him for a few seconds. He looked so cute, with his lips slightly pouted.

He seemed to be in a pretty deep sleep, so you get up from bed, slowly and quietly. When you leave the bedroom and close the door behind you, Yunho stirs from the sounds of the click, and wakes up. The sound wasn't all that loud, it was more of a gut feeling which woke him up. Well, that and the fact that he was a slight sleeper.

You make your way down the stairs, taking small steps to minimise noise. The clock in the kitchen reads 4am. Great.

As you open one of the top cabinets, and reach for the painkillers, you feel an arm around your waist. Yunho is behind you, and has his arm around you, hand on your lower stomach, exactly where your cramps were. The other hand reaches up to effortlessly grab the pack of painkillers. You receive them from him, and smile to yourself as his chin rests on your shoulder, and you feel his breath on your neck. He gives your jawline a small kiss.

After staying like this for half a minute or so, Yunho releases you, and you turn to face him. "Go sit down." He says softly into the silence of the night. "I'll make you a hot drink."

You try to decline the offer, but he insists, and you go sit on the comfortable couch. A few minutes later, Yunho walks over, carrying a mug with herbal tea. He passes it to you, and sits down next to you, on the floor, whilst you drink it. You remember to take a painkiller too. Somehow, the tea tasted better than when you make it.

"Yunho... You should go to bed. I'm fine honestly. And you've had such an exhausting day i'm sure." You bite your lip. "I'm sorry for this- for waking you up and everything."

Yunho looks you deep in your eyes, eyebrows jokingly furrowed. "I told you not to apologise." He says and kisses the top of your head.

This reminds you of something. "You know, I heard that kissing actually helps with period cramps." You look up at him with big eyes, and pout when he laughs. "It's true! Search it up!" You roll your eyes.

"Ah Y/N... you don't have to make excuses to kiss me, just do it." Yunho is still laughing.

"I swear! Search it!" By now, you're laughing too.

Yunho grabs his phone from the table and types for a while. Finally, he speaks. "Well... what do ya know, maybe you are right." He places his phone back down.

"See! I told y-" You're interrupted by Yunho's soft lips on yours. He was still sat on the floor next to the couch, legs stretched out and head twisted to you. His hand held the side of your jaw, and you kissed him back, quite intensely. He switched from your top lip to your bottom, and you grab both sides of his face with your hands, before pulling away. Your faces stay close, as you slightly apply pressure to his cheeks, squidging his face and making him look absolutely adorable. You give him one final, quick peck on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you more. A lot more. And Y/N..... all jokes aside just know that you can kiss me whenever you want, for as long as you want. If you ever have a bad day, or just feel like it, come to me. I'm yours okay?"

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