Yeosang | Tutoring Sessions | Smut

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"Hey. Are you listening?"

"Yes..." The brown haired boy is resting his head on his hand, and looks like he could fall asleep any second.

You sigh. "Yeosang. Your grades aren't going to go up if you don't put in the effort. So sit up, and attempt the sheet I gave you." Your tone was sharp.

Yeosang places his tongue on the inside of his cheek, a small smirk forming on his face. He slowly sits up in his chair. It seemed he liked this dominant style.

You try to ignore him, because it had happened a few times in the past that your tutoring lessons were spent... well, studying a different kind of biology. Okay fine, having sex, in simple terms.

Glancing at his sheet, you roll in your lips. "You're not trying your best are you? You need the motivation, or you're not going to get anywhere."

"Well maybe there's other ways I can get some motivation." He looks at you sat on a chair next to him. You were a year above him, but he was a lot taller- and bigger- than you, so the tutor dynamic sometimes felt a little odd.

You roll your eyes. "For example....?"

He bites his lip, hesitating. Yeosang was a little shy at times, but as soon as things started to get steamy he was like a different person. "If I finish this whole sheet, putting in my all, and get... 70%...? Then you'll have sex with me."

You chew the inside of your cheek, which weirdly turned Yeosang on. "Make it 80% and i'll agree."

"Okay then."

Yeosang instantly put down his head, and worked hard on the sheet. You watched him do the work, although you were kind of just using that as an excuse to study his features. He was good looking. Very good looking. His eyes could be so innocent and cute, but in certain circumstances, showed a whole new side. His nose was perfect, especially from the side. His lips were pink and full, and so warm and soft.

Soon enough, he had finished the sheet. Sure, he had left a couple questions blank, but not as many as usual.

"Let's see..." You scanned the piece of paper, ticking as you went along. Wow. A lot of ticks. Even Yeosang seemed a little surprised himself.

When you finished, you looked straight at him, a small smirk on your face. "Well. 79%"

He groaned. "Are you serious? Come on, give me the benefit of the doubt. Please? Or... I can do something to make up for that 1%...?"

You shake your head, laughing. "You really shouldn't try and bribe people for everything. It won't always work you know."

"But maybe in this case...." He slightly moves his face closer to yours, with a cheeky smile, waiting for your response.

"Maybe in this case, you can bribe me. Kiss me. But kiss me good. All that effort I told you about earlier? Apply that here." Your eyes are seductive, and your tongue rests on your top teeth, irresistibly.

Yeosang watches your mouth as he moves his face closer to yours. Not too fast, but not very slow either. His pink lips lock onto yours, hand at the side of your jaw. Almost instantly, he enters your mouth with his tongue, and explores around inside. You give his top lip the occasional bite, and you hear him let out the smallest moan when you do so.

Eventually, after quite a long kiss, he pulls away. "How was that? Would you say I put the effort in?" His face is still close to yours, and he looks at you with flirty eyes.

"Maybe. I guess just about good enough for the 1%" You give him a small wink, and a little laugh.

"Well then take my hand." Yeosang reaches out a hand to you, and you take it. He leads you over to his bed, only a few steps away from his desk, where you had been situated this whole time.

Yeosang sits down on the end of the bed, watching as you stand in front of him, unbutton your shirt, and drop it on the floor. He bites his lip, in awe. You reach a hand to the clip of your bra, but pause there. "First... Name one part of a plant cell." You say, and Yeosang chuckles.

"Nucleus. That was an easy one."

"Correct. And remember, i'm kind of on your side right now. You wish I would give you questions this easy normally." You pop open the clip on your bra, and it slides down your arms, before you drop it.

You step closer to Yeosang, and lean slightly over him on the side of the bed. You move a gentle hand to his crotch, and feel the hard bulge in his trousers. "Already, huh?" You slightly rub over it, causing him to groan. You quickly place your lips on his, shutting him up. With a single finger, you push against his collarbone, and he falls back onto the bed, you hovering over him. His hands feel around for the zip on the side of your skirt, and when found, he pulls it down, slowly. You help him in pulling it down your hips, and off onto the floor. Next is his trousers, a little more complicated to take off with you over him, but he makes it work. They fall onto the floor with a small thud.

You pull away from the kiss, and focus more on grinding against him. You in a black lace thong, and him in his grey boxers, his member is hard and pushing up against your opening, through the fabric. "Fuck.." You exhale, and rub against him, hips moving in the sexiest way.

"Y/N... take them off. Take off my boxers, and your thong, please." You liked it when he begged, and he damn well knew that.

"Okay, okay." You hush him, one finger on his lips, before you remove yourself from your position above him, and stand at the foot of the bed instead. You slowly and sensually pull down your thong, reach over him and do the same with his boxers. Whilst pulling them down, you make sure to 'accidentally' brush against his dick ever so slightly. He lets out a groan.

"Oops." You smirk, and get back on top of him. "Now tell me what you prefer; straight to the sex, or a little handjob before."

You look down at his face below yours. Wet strands of sweaty hair are stuck to his forehead, making him all the more attractive. "I think you know the answer to that."

You slowly wrap your hand around him, and start to pulsate. He is warm and big in your hand, and incredibly hard. You knew from your past sessions that he loved a good handjob. So eventually, you increase the pace, faster and faster until he is practically screaming your name.

"I love it when you make those noises for me. Do it again." You remove your hand, and instead insert him into you. You moan, and start riding him. Again, your hips rock back and forth, and then in and out, in flexible and smooth motions. With each in and out, you go deeper.

After a little while, tou feel yourself nearing. "I'm close. Make those noises that you know I love." You let out a moan as you go in the deepest possible, where he is fully inside you. He whispers your name in between heavy breaths.

You feel yourself cum, and he now shouts your name, louder and louder. You pulse in and out a couple more times, until you give out, and flop onto the bed next to him.

Your legs feel weak, and you're so out of breath. He may not be amazing at Biology, but he was pretty damn good at sex. After some 30 seconds of both catching your breath, you turn to him. "Put that much into your studying and you'd pass with flying colours."

"It was mainly all you though. I'm more of a bottom." He looks into your eyes.

"Hm. Maybe that's why I do so well on my tests..."

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