Mingi | Cigarettes After Sex | Suggestive

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Mingi was leaning against the railing, cigarette in hand. As you make your way next to him, he turns to you, corners of his mouth turning up into a smile.

He holds up the cigarette to his mouth, and after a few seconds looks to the side as he breathes out the smoke. His big, tall figure looked so attractive in this moonlit setting, you couldn't help but watch him in awe.

He notices, and reaches out the cigarette to you, offering. You nod, and take hold of it. Mingi watches you carefully as you place it to your mouth, long fingers around the cigarette. You open your mouth slightly to let out the white smoke, and he places his tongue in his cheek. Your silk lingerie hung loosely on your body, moving with the light breeze. "Y/N you look so fucking hot right now." He reaches his hand down to hold your free hand, and he stares deep into your eyes.

With the other hand, you take another inhale from the cigarette, and before you know it, Mingi's face was inches away from yours. His lips place themselves onto yours and you melt into his kiss. His hands were around your waist, one of them crawling up your back.

The smoke, still in your mouth, passes into his, and when you eventually pull away from the kiss, it releases into the air. Mingi stays looking deeply into your eyes for a moment after the kiss, before finally opening his mouth. "I could kiss you all night baby."

The cigarette drops from your fingers to the ground, and you step on it to put it out. "Well then... why don't you?" You teasingly smile.

"Don't test me, because I will."

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