Seonghwa | School Trip | Smut, Fluff

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You were lying on your bed, staring at the ceiling, talking to your best friend Soojin, who sat on the end of the bed. "So you haven't done anything with him?" She clarified.

"No. We've gotten close but...." You thought about that time on his couch, when you were watching a movie but had both gotten caught up in the moment, and soon enough you were only in your bra and skirt. And then you heard his mom's car pull up in the driveway. "It's just practically impossible I mean... our parents still don't know we're dating." It was complicated on both ends- your parents didn't want you dating until you finished all your studies. You knew they would've liked Seonghwa if they met him, and would've wanted you to date him out of all people, but they just didn't want you to be distracted. And on his end, well, it was pretty similar.

"Unless you went somewhere like... I don't know somewhere public. That would be the only other option."

You exhale. "But I want our first time to be special- not just in the back of his car or the school drama room or something."

Soojin nods, before suddenly gasping. "Wait! The school trip! It's literally perfect. Everyone's gonna start searching for roommates for the hotel soon- you and Seonghwa should just get a room together! The teachers basically just leave us at night, they don't even check the rooms!" She is beaming, as if it was her own situation.

You think about it. "But- getting our parents to split the money and book it would be a nightmare. It would be impossible for them not to find out who each other is, I can't just say it's a friend. They would find out."

A few days later, whilst eating lunch in the cafeteria, you see a tray of food get placed down on the table, opposite you. You look up and see Seonghwa. His dark hair looked so fluffy and soft, and his eyes had a sparkle to them.

Seeing him brought a smile to your face.

"Hey. Seems like everyone's excited about the trip. It's only a week away." He's smiling at you, whilst placing a spoonful of food in his mouth. You look around at the cafeteria. He was right- everyone was buzzing with excitement, and you could tell that the main topic was the trip.

"Yeah.." You let out a small laugh as Seonghwa spills a little of his drink onto his shirt.

Once he finishes quickly wiping it off, he clears his throat. "Also, I was gonna ask, um, have you already paid for your hotel room? Because I was thinking we could share a room. If you wanted to..."

"Oh..." You hesitate. Should you say yes? But what if it all gets too complicated... "I'm so sorry but... I already booked one with Soojin."

"Ah." He nods and says it's fine, but you see the excited look in his eyes fade ever so slightly. "Well are we still on for today?"

You nod, happy. "Yes! My parents are gonna be on a meeting over video call around the time school ends- so you should have around two hours of my time." You smile, looking forward to it. He seemed to be doing the same. You had planned to go to the cinema after school, even though there wasn't even any good movies on. It was just to spend some time together.

Seonghwa gave you a smile, his eyes looking like they were filled with stars.

A week later, the first day of the trip was over. The sun had set, and you had already changed into your pajamas and gotten into bed. It was around 12:30, and you were tired from all the walking today- but you couldn't sleep. You just lie there staring up at the ceiling.

The silence is disrupted by Soojin, who is also lying on her bed. "Y/N... are you awake?" You reply with a little 'mhm' and she continues. "I know I don't have much of a say in this but.... do you realise you have the so called 'love of your life' literally a few doors down from us? No parents around. Not even any teachers. When do you ever have a chance like this? It just frustrates me that you were begging for an opportunity like this, and now it's finally here and you won't grab it! I don't think you should just throw this away."

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