Jongho | Stay Quiet | Smut

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Jongho unlocked his front door, and holding your hand, led you inside. He shut the door behind him, and made his way back onto your lips. His tongue asked for access into your mouth, but you pull away.

"No one's home right?" You're slightly out of breath, from all the kisses, and the run from the club to his house.

Jongho gives a small shake of his head. "No. San's at the gym and Wooyoung probably went with him." It was too quiet in the house for Wooyoung to be home.

"Great." You throw yourself back on Jongho and he slowly leads you to his room. Once inside, he uses only slight force to shut the door, so it doesn't fully work, and is left ever so slightly open.

Jongho pulls your jacket off of you, dropping it onto the floor next to you. His hands make their way to your exposed lower neck, and eventually, he moves his lips there too. You exhale sharply as he pulls down a corner of your top with his finger, revealing one of your breasts. He kisses it tenderly and you let out a small groan.

"Jongho please." You beg.

"Okay baby, okay." He pulls his lips away, and takes hold of the hem of your top. He pulls it up over your head, and straight away reaches behind your back to unclip your bra.

The top and bra join your jacket on the floor, forming a pile. Jongho removes his shirt, and throws it down too.

You freeze for a second, listening hard. You could've sworn you heard a tiny sound. "Are you sure there's no one home?"

"Yes. It's too quiet- and besides, the front door was double locked."

You nod and turn your attention back to him. His hand makes it's way to your breast, and he massages it ever so gently. You moan, and hold the back of his head, pulling it in closer to you. Kissing him again, this time you allow his tongue to enter your mouth, exploring it. You bite his bottom lip, making it his time to groan.

All of a sudden, you hear the small creak of the door. "Jongho is that y-" Wooyoung's voice begins.

Your eyes widen, and you feel Jongho jump at the noise. At the speed of light, his instincts kick in and he pulls your body close to his, covering your exposed chest.

Wooyoung by now had started to step back, away from the room. "Shit, I'll leave you guys to it." He shuts the door so that it clicks, and walks back to his room with a small smirk on his face.

Jongho releases you from his tight hold on you. Hopefully Wooyoung hadn't seen your naked chest. You see the expression on Jongho's face, and the sorry in his eyes. "Fuck, I'm so sorry, Y/N. I really thought no one was home." He sits on the edge of his bed, and glances down into his lap. God he was hard. But he felt too guilty to carry on now.

You walk closer to him, and place a hand under his chin, moving his head up to look at you. "Jongho, don't worry. It's fine, really. I don't care if he saw anything, it's not like he's a total stranger." He watches your lips as you speak softly to him.

You swing one leg over his lap, and sit on him. Your faces are close, and you whisper to him. "I'd much rather just be in this moment fully with you, than worry about that."

You move your head down to join his lips, and he lets out a small moan as you edge yourself closer to his crotch area. His hands grip your waist, digging into you.

After a little while longer of this, you stand back up, and pull down your skirt, and you feel Jongho staring you up and down, especially at your thong.

He also gets up, and drops his trousers to the floor, followed by his boxers. He pulls you close, and hooks a finger under the string of your thong, by your hip. He pulls them down, and they fall to the floor.

Fully unclothed, you both make your way back to the bed, and you lie down. He hovers over you, and kisses you all over, leaving not a single piece of skin untouched. His favourite part was your chest, and he gave small little nips, trying not to leave any marks. Soon, he rolls on a condom and aligns himself at your entrance.

Before he begins to enter you, you look him in the eye, hands holding onto his shoulders. "Only thing now is... we'll have to be quiet. So keep your screaming to a minimum."

Jongho smirks, along with a small chuckle. "Well I can do that, but I can't say the same for you." He enters you, almost all of him, straight away. He knew you liked it better that way.

Jongho was right. You couldn't help moaning his name, and he doesn't even try to quiet you. He loved those noises you made.

He angles his hips perfectly, and thrusts in. He hits your G-Spot as you once again pleasure him with groans. "Keep going. Please Jongho." He listens, and keeps thrusting in and out of you. Once he has his whole dick inside you, you feel yourself almost there. "One more time Jongho I'm almost-" As you instructed he pushes in, and you cum. He moans, he just couldn't help it.

Jongho lies next to you, catching his breath. You do the same. "Fuck... that was the best sex we've ever had."

You nod in agreement. "Must be the thrill of having to keep quiet. Even if we failed to do so."

Jongho laughs. "Yeah we weren't very successful in that were we?"

The next morning, you wake up to the sound of muffled speaking outside of Jongho's room. You realise he's not next to you, and recognise one of the voices outside as his. The other... was Wooyoung's.

From what you could hear, he was praising Jongho about your sounds last night...

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