Mingi | Long Distance | Fluff

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Your eyes quickly dot around the big airport, desperate to find what they were looking for. All the people stood around merged together, making it difficult to distinguish one from another.

All of sudden, your eyes fixate on a broad shouldered man, facing the other way. He was wearing a long black coat, and loose fitting jeans, standing a few metres away from you.

"Mingi." You call out, and watch as he instantly turns around. You feel your heart stop beating for a second, as you take in that familiar face. The face you knew all too well. The face you had seen only on a small phone screen for the past six months.

His eyes light up, life suddenly entering them, and a big smile formed across his lips. For a second, he can't move. He just stands there in shock.

"Y/N.." He whispers to himself, so quietly that he was the only one who could hear it. He couldn't believe you were here, standing in front of him.

Leaving your suitcase, you ran to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. He held your waist, tight, and pulled you up off the ground. Your head in buried into his shoulder, and his in your neck. His warm breath against your ear, and that familiar scent, makes you smile.

After a long while like this, he finally puts you down, but keeps his arms around your waist, so that your faces remain close. "Y/N... you look beautiful. Even more than the last time I saw you, which I didn't think was possible." You look into each others eyes, and can't stop smiling.

"I missed you." You gently place a hand on the side of his face, as he eyes your lips. But before he can make a move, you place your lips on his. Just like last time, all those months ago, you feel all those feelings. Everything around you melting away. All the thoughts that filled your mind disappearing. Mingi's full, pink lips devouring you, in a way that was so full of love and pure happiness. You want the kiss to never end- but of course, it must. He eventually pulls away, even his arms from around your waist this time.

"I missed you more. You don't know how long it felt, waiting for you here. It felt like hours." He reaches down for your hand, and squeezes it. "Here let me take this for you." You both walk over to the suitcase you had abandoned, and he takes hold of the handle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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