Yeosang | Friend As Your Valentine? | Fluff

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You and your roommate, Yeosang, were finishing up the noodles you had ordered, when suddenly your phone starts ringing. You look at the home screen and smile to see it's your best friend, Minji.

"Hey- what's up?" You answer.

"Heyyy I was just wondering if you had any plans for tomorrow? Because you know that guy in our math who was flirting with me the other day? He asked me if I wanted to hang out." She said.

"Tomorrow?..." You say, in thought. Suddenly you remember. "Ohhh, for Valentine's day! Wow that's great that he asked you! But why are you asking me if I have any plans?"  You realise Yeosang is now looking at you from across the table, listening.

"Well... because if you don't have a valentine im not just gonna abandon you. It's like girl code. I'll tell him I can't and we can have a girls day!" Minji exclaimed.

You hesitate. "Minji you can't not go just because of me. You like him- go for it! I don't really feel like going out anyways."

"Y/N... are you sure?"

"Yes! I promise i'm fine. Have fun!" You smile, and hang up after saying bye.

Placing your phone back down on the table, Yeosang begins to speak. "You're not doing anything for Valentine's? Why?" He gasps before saying, "Pfft no one asked you did they?" He laughed.

"Hey that's not why! I just... I.... Well did anyone ask you?!" You shout.

Yeosang sits back in his chair, crossing his arms and looking at you. "Yeah. They did actually." He says, wet hair strands hanging over his eyes. He had just gotten out of the shower five minutes ago.

You roll your eyes. To be honest, this was believable. Yeosang was attractive, probably one of the best looking guys in their year. There seemed to be quite a few girls that would be interested in asking him.

"Whatever..." You got back to eating your noodles, but Yeosang continued to watch you.

"I said no to all of them though." He says, all of a sudden.

You look up, confused. "What? Why...?"

"I don't know, I guess i'm not interested in spending time with any of them."


The next morning, you sleep in until 10am, and when you finally leave your bedroom, you see Yeosang sat on the couch, scrolling on his phone. He looks up when you walk in.

"Looks like you slept well." He chuckles, as you try and fix your hair a little.

"Whatever. I'm gonna get dressed." You walk into the bathroom, shower and get dressed. After doing your makeup, you leave the room and collapse onto the couch. Yeosang had moved by now, and was making coffee in your small kitchen.

He eventually walks over, handing you a mug too, before sitting on the chair opposite the couch "Thanks." You say.

You feel him watching you as you drink your coffee whilst on your phone. The silence is suddenly broken, by Yeosang's soft and gentle voice. "Y/N." He starts, and you look up. "Do you really not want to go out today?"

You shrug. "I mean... I wouldn't reject a date, but I also don't mind just being here alone."

You see Yeosang hesitate. "Well... would you like to, maybe, hang out with me today? I could be your valentine, just for the day." He tries to read the expression on your face.

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