San | Night Club | Smut, Fluff

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"Come on Y/N, it's the last day of college for two months now! Don't worry about that project just yet- let's go live a little~"

You looked up at San, who was leaning against the locker next to yours, as you stored textbooks inside your bag to take home. He wasn't one of your best friends, but you would somehow end up having conversations almost every day, whether it be just sharing homework or having a deep talk. He was always up for a good time, and his idea of a nightclub tonight sounded pretty convincing.

"I'll buy you a drink." He smiled and winked, which you knew was a joke, but any by-passer who didn't know him would think you were actually dating or something. Well that's just how San was. Flirty.

You thought about it. "Hm... okay. But no backing out like last time!"

You both started to make your way back to your apartment, so that you could get changed. Apparently San 'already looked perfect in his outfit' so he didn't need changing.

As you walked out the entrance of the college, San offered to hold your bag, as it was heavy from the four textbooks you had inside.

"Come on let me take it. It must be so heavy." He started to take it from you, and you finally let him, a little relieved as you didn't know how much further you would've made it with that weight. "Oh my god Y/N are you sure these aren't rocks?" Even San seemed like he was slightly struggling.

When you made it to your apartment, you unlocked the door and San walked in to place the bag on your bed. It was a studio apartment, so the only closed place you could go to get changed was the bathroom. You walked over to your wardrobe and pulled out a short, black leather skirt, and a black lace top to go with it.

"San i'm going to get changed in the bathroom- make yourself at home." You called over, but see that he has already made himself comfortable, sat on your sofa with your small puppy. He simply pulls up an 'okay' sign with his fingers, not looking up as he played with the dog.

After getting changed, and adding a little eyeliner to your makeup, you step out of the bathroom. San looks up and his eyes are instantly drawn in. You do your best to ignore him as you feel his eyes looking you up and down slowly.

You grab your black purse from the table, and nod towards the door. "Let's go?" You say, and unlock the door.

San nods back and you walk down together, into the streets. In the short time you were upstairs, the sky had started to darken, and you continued to walk down the street. The nightclub wasn't too far away, only a three minute walk, luckily. These heels were not the best for walking.

Finally, you step into the nightclub, and are greeted by loud music and flashing lights. You make your way straight to the bar, and San follows. "I hope you haven't forgotten about your promise?" You smile at him, although it was more of a smirk.

"Of course not. Order away."

You order two drinks, and when the bartender- a young, attractive man- hands them to you, he gives a little wink and a flirty smile. "Enjoy." San seems to notice this, and bites his bottom lip, watching the man carefully. He is soon interrupted by you.

"Let's go over there!" You exclaim and San blinks, before looking down and smiling at you. He is excited to go and dance.

Two hours of dancing, and a shot- or three- later, you feel San watching you as you jump and dance around. He watches your hips as they sway, and rests his tongue in his cheek. You turn to face him, and see that he's got a small smile on his face. You smile back at him, as you slow down your dancing. Suddenly he opens his mouth, and luckily you're not too close to the speakers, so you can just about hear what he says.

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