Hongjoong | Pregnancy Test | Fluff

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You walked into the en-suite bathroom, and pulled out the box from your bag. You knew Hongjoong was right outside the door, resting on the bed.

You exhaled, and opened the packet, before setting everything up. You quickly did your business in the cup, and placed the stick inside. Whilst you waited, you stared at yourself in the mirror. You were scared. Really scared. The reason you were doing this was because you hadn't gotten your period this month- it was three weeks late.

Soon, enough time had passed. You reached out a shaky hand, and turned around the test. As your eyes read the stick, a weird wave passes through you. It was a wave of coldness- but at the same time heat? You were sweating, but also cold. You just couldn't believe it. Two lines. Pregnant.

Your mouth is slightly open in shock, and you feel your heart beating. You felt your life flash before your eyes. What now?

Tears roll down your face, and before you know it, a sob escapes your lips. Another one, until you're just full on crying. You didn't know what it was. Shock? Regret? Or... maybe even happiness?

Hongjoong just about hears your crying, and quickly puts down his phone. He rushes down from the bed and to the bathroom door.

"Y/N?" He knocks on the door. "Y/N what happened? Open the door." His voice is concerned, he didn't know what the hell could've happened to you, and the way you didn't respond worried him even more. "Y/N please. Can I come in?"

Eventually, he pushes down on the handle, and opens the door. He scans the situation. Your mouth was still agape in shock, and you were sat on the floor, pregnancy test next to you.

He stands by the door, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He bends down to pick up the test stick. His eyes widen when he sees the two lines.

"Y/N- are you- two lines, does that mean-"

"I'm pregnant." You look up at him, eyes red. Saying it out loud makes you burst out in louder sobs. Hongjoong quickly sits down next to you, and places his arms around you, tightly. He pulls you in so that your head is buried in his chest. One of his hands rubs up and down against your back, stroking you in comfort.

"Y-you aren't going to leave are you?" You let out between sobs, your voice muffled through his jumper.

Hongjoong pulls away, and looks at you with a stern expression. "Are you serious? Leave you?" His eyes reflect his utter disbelief. "You should know by now that I would never, ever do that to you. In fact, you couldn't get rid of me if you tried." He pulls you in again, back to the hug, but tighter this time.

You stay like this for well over a minute, before he finally lets you go. Hongjoong takes hold of your hand with both of his, and gives it a small squeeze. He's looking deep into your eyes, face full of sympathy, and love. "Y/N... I want you to know that I love you, okay? So much. And I'm going to support you... throughout everything. You don't have to worry about anything, nothing at all." He brings your hand to his face, and gives it a small kiss. "It's all going to alright."

You've calmed down a little by now, Hongjoong was always good at doing this for you. "I just- it's a lot. A lot to take in and I wasn't expecting it."

"I know it is." He watches your face so carefully and intently, as you both sit across from each other, on the cold bathroom floor.

"You must be really shocked as well, I mean... We're going to be... parents? And how am I supposed to be a mother I- that's so much responsibility and I don't know if i'm capable of that. I've always wanted a child but- what if I... what if i'm a bad mother?" You blink back tears, and look at Hongjoong with eyes full of worry.

He shakes his head. "Y/N don't ever say that. I know that you are going to be an amazing mother. You're caring, and kind, and strong, and helpful, and beautiful. You're so beautiful. And, Y/N, I've seen the way you watch the kids at the park, or how you look after and play with my little sister. You've always wanted this. So please, don't ever say that you'd be a bad mother." The way he looks at you as he says it makes you know he means every word. He really did. His hand played with your fingers. "You're right. I am still in... a lot of shock. But it makes me feel so reassured, knowing that this is happening with you. I'm going to be a parent... with you. I truly wouldn't wish for this with anyone else." He exhales, processing everything. "Wow... I'm going to be a father." Although very subtle, you could see a look of happiness, and excitement in his eyes. You thought back. He had always seemed to love kids, and would've definitely wanted some of his own at some point.

Hongjoong slowly edges his face closer to yours, and you instinctively close your eyes. He kisses you, and it feels different to any kiss before. This one was filled with not only love, but also reassurance, and belief. Belief in you.

Hongjoong stands up, and takes your hand again, pulling you up too. He opens the bathroom door, leading you out. "Come on. I'll make you a hot drink and we can talk about this."

You smile. He was right. There was no one else you'd rather do this with. If it had to happen with anyone, you were so, so, so glad it was Hongjoong.

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