Yunho | Thunder Trauma | Fluff, Smut

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You turned off the light, before climbing into bed. Outside, the clouds were grey, preparing to unleash a storm.

Yunho watched from the fifth floor of the entertainment company building as the raindrops started to fall. He hoped it wouldn't turn into anything more, before going back to practicing his dance. Around an hour or so later, the drops started to make harder, louder sounds against the window. It was so powerful that it sounded like the glass could break any second. Yunho waited for a second, and when he heard a rumble of thunder, he quickly put his jacket on and ran out the door, down the stairs.

He jumped into his car and drove as fast as possible, to your apartment. As he drove, the thunder got louder and more frequent.

He had a spare key which you had once given him, so he grabbed it from his pocket and quietly unlocked your door.

You lived in a studio apartment, so he could see the bed from the front door. He saw you sitting up in bed, with only the moonlight lighting up the room. You look up at the sound of the door, and are surprised to see Yunho, wet hair hanging over his eyes. This attractive look distracted you for a second.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" He said, out of breath, and made his way quickly over to you, after shutting the apartment door behind him. He sat close to you, on the end of the bed, and used his hand to place a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Yeah... I'm fine. I think. I don't know." You sigh, before processing the fact he just randomly walked through your door. "But- why are you here?"

Yunho scratched the back of his head, shyly. "Well, I don't know I just heard the thunder and... I knew that you struggle with that..."

You smile at how quiet he had gotten, and feel tears prick your eyes. "Thank you. It is hard for me- as soon as I hear those familiar noises all the memories come flooding back. I know, I probably talk about this a lot but-" A tear rolled down your face, and you quickly wipe it away. Yunho moved closer, and pulled your head into his chest. He stroked your head as you began to cry. With his other hand, he held your hand, and noticed it slightly shaking.

"It's okay. Let it out, whatever you want to tell me, I'll listen. Talking about it can make you feel a lot better." His voice was warm and gentle, and sounded very deep from your position on his chest.

You slowly pulled away from his embrace, and began to speak. "I don't want to though. If I keep thinking about it every time it storms, I'll never get over it. I just miss her. A lot." Your mom had passed away a year ago, in a car crash, due to the thunder and heavy rain affecting her vision. You could still remember. The car turned over, rain making metallic sounds as it hit it. Your mother, laying there, helpless. Thunder grumbling in the background.


"Mhm?" He looked at you, his eyebrows looking worried and sympathetic.

"Kiss me."

His expression shifted to confusion. "What?"

"Kiss me. Please. Distract me. Whenever you kiss me I feel all my worries float away and nothing matters anymore. And I love you more than anything. You're the only person who could possibly make me feel better."

"Are you sure? Y/N I don't want to take advantage of you in your... vulnerable state." Was that the right word?

You nod, and move closer, slowly. Yunho hesitated, but began to do the same. His hand gently held the side of your face as his lips pressed slowly against yours. Just like you had hoped, you were whisked away to another world. All those memories, gone. For now. This feeling was dangerous. It was addictive, and you didn't want it to ever stop. So you take hold of his shirt, and undo the first button.

Yunho pulls away from the kiss, but keeps his face close. "Y/N." He's looking deep into your eyes, and all you want is for him to get back on you.

"I'm okay. Carry on." You give him a small, convincing nod, and the corner of his mouth turns up into a tiny smile, and suddenly he's kissing you again.

You finish undoing the buttons of his shirt, and take hold of his hand, leading it to your top's buttons. He slowly undoes them, one by one. Both of your shirts are on the floor, and Yunho applies a little force, making you lie down on the bed. He is above you, kiss getting progressively intense and passionate.

He reaches a hand behind you, undoes the clip on your bra with ease, and lightly drags it off. He moves his kisses down lower, from your neck to your chest, and you groan. You notice how every now and then, Yunho open his eyes and checks your facial expressions, seeing if your still okay with this. How respectful- god you want him.

A sudden loud thunder clap could be heard, and you let out a small gasp. You and Yunho both turn your heads to look out the window, where a flash of lightning lights up the room for a millisecond.

He glances down at you, at your worried face. "Don't worry about out there. Don't  even think about it, hm? Just stay focused on me and you'll be okay."

You knew he was right. You unzip his trousers, and he pulls them down, before doing the same with your own pajama shorts. You're both left in your underwear, and Yunho slowly lays some weight on you. You can feel his bulge on you, and he starts making circular motions. A small moan escapes your lips, and he groans as well.

After a few seconds, you feel his finger hook under the side of your of underwear, on your hip. Yunho effortlessly pulls them down your legs, past your feet and onto the floor. He does the same with his own. You get up and push him down onto the bed this time, climbing on top of him. His lips smile at you taking the lead. You accommodate yourself, and gradually begin moving your hips up and down, watching as Yunho exhales, eyes closed. You speed up, little by little, and groan. "God you feel so good." You let out.

After a little while, Yunho skilfully flips you over so that he's on top. He grinds into you, and in a deep voice says, "Fuck, you feel so tight." Just then, he pulls in so that he is fully in you, and you moan. You let everything go. All the stress and worries.

Yunho falls back onto the bed, next to you. After a few seconds of both of you catching your breath, looking up at the ceiling and smiling, Yunho turns onto his side, facing you. His skin glows beautifully in the moonlight. "Looks like the thunder's stopped."

You give a small laugh. "Yeah. And it only felt like it lasted a few minutes. If you hadn't come over it would've felt like hours."

Yunho smiles. He leans in to give your lips a small, quick peck, and then lays his head back down in its original spot. He watches you. Your eyes, your mouth, your nose. He studies every facial feature, still smiling. "I love you. And I hope that one day, I won't have to come all the way over each time it storms."

"What do you mean?" You look at him, confused.

He laughs and rolls his eyes. "I'm saying that I hope we can move in together one day. So that I'm always here for you when you need someone."

Before you know it, you've both fallen asleep, moonlight shining on both of you lying together.

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