Wooyoung | Teach Me | Smut

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For the last couple of hours you had been trying to summon up the courage to ask him. You glance at the clock. 10pm. Better do it soon.

You walk over to where he stood by the fridge of your shared dorm, picking out something to eat.

You take a big breath. "Wooyoung?"

"What's up?" He replies, not looking up from the fridge.

"I need to ask you something."

He notices your serious, slightly nervous tone, and shuts the fridge door, turning to face you.

You continue. "Well... we're really good friends right?"

"Is that the question?" He raises an eyebrow, and lets out a soft chuckle.

You roll your eyes. "So... you would help me right?"

He gives a small nod.

"Okay so basically... that guy from my Chem class asked me out for drinks tomorrow night, and I feel like..." You watch as Wooyoung starts to lean against the fridge, arms crossed. "I feel like he's gonna ask me back to his place. But the thing is... I'm a virgin."

You study his expression. He seemed to be a little confused, not quite sure what you were trying to ask. He was also surprised you were a virgin, considering your beauty and natural charm.

"And I really don't wanna seem like I don't know anything in front of him. So could you-" You couldn't believe what you were about to say. "Could you teach me?..." You wince as you say the words.

Wooyoung simply stares at you for a few seconds, clearly surprised. "Are you crazy?" He finally says.

"Wooyoung, please. Isn't this what friends do for each other sometimes? You're the only guy friend I know who I'd feel comfortable asking!"

He can't help a little smile at hearing that last sentence. He bites his lip, thinking for some seconds. "Are you sure? You really want me to... take your virginity?" He felt like that was a big deal.

"Yeah... It's better than some random guy doing it."

He gives it a few more seconds of thought. "Alright, fine. I'll teach you. But this can't affect our friendship.... okay?"

You nod. "Of course. We'll just forget about it afterwards! Now let me take a quick shower before.. you know."

"Okay. I'll be in my room."

As you walked away, he let out a big exhale and leaned against the countertop. What the hell did he just agree to?

Around 15 minutes pass, and you finish getting dressed into your nicest silk pyjamas.

You walk up to his bedroom door and hesitate before knocking. Now that it was time, you were pretty nervous.

Wooyoung opens the door, and uses his head to beckon you in. "Hey."

You step into his room as he shuts the door behind you.

"So..." You sit on the end of his bed. This is already awkward. "What first?"

He holds eye contact as he walks over to you, and bends down to match your level. "First tell me.. how intimately have you kissed?" His voice was hushed, almost like a whisper.

"Well um- you know, nothing more than a long, simple kiss."

"Show me." Wooyoung says, and wastes no time connecting his lips to yours. His hand holds your jaw, tilting your head up to him, and his lips practically swallow yours. Fuck, he was a good kisser. Honestly, you weren't surprised, he was always going to college parties and came back with girls multiple times.

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