San | Younger Siblings | Fluff

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You find a little wooden bench in front of the playground. It was situated underneath a beautiful cherry blossom tree. You had been practically dragged to the park by your 6 year old sister, who was going to meet up with her friend.

"Eun-Ji, go play and i'll be right here if you need anything." You smile down at your sister, and place your bag on the bench, before sitting down.

After a few minutes of soaking in the warm sun, you notice a tall man, walking in your direction. You see that he is holding hands with a little boy. They stop walking when they get to the playground, and you can just about hear their conversation.

"Be good Min-Ho, I'll go find somewhere to watch you, okay?" The man says, and the little boy nods, before running away. To Eun-Ji.

Oh god. Was this her friend's brother??

The man turns to your direction, and you quickly look away, to make it seem like you weren't just watching him. He began walking to you, and from up close, you realise he is actually very good looking. His dark hair fell perfectly over his eyes, and it looked freshly washed- it was so fluffy. His eyes were kind, and he looked approachable.

"Hey. You must be Eun-Ji's sister, right? Is it..... Y/N...?" He is now stood in front of you, smiling. "Min-Ho's mentioned you before." He clears up, seeing your confused face.

You smile back. "Uh yeah! Sorry but I don't know your name."

"San. Choi San. Do you mind if I sit?" He's still smiling, radiating such a positive, attractive energy.

"Of course!" You say, and move your bag closer to you, to make some space.

He sits down, not too close, leaving you your personal space.

"So... It seems like Eun-Ji and Min-Ho are good friends!"

All of a sudden, cries could be heard. San's head quickly turned away from you to the playground. His expression changed within seconds, from smiling to slight worry. Min-Ho came running towards him, tears streaming down his face. Did he recognise the crying straight away?

"Min-Ho? What happened?" San stands up from the bench, and picks up his brother. Min-Ho rests his head on San's shoulder, and calms down a little.

San sits back down, and Min-Ho sits on his lap. "Did you fall? Let me see, what is it, your leg?" He pulls up one of his trouser legs and looks around. He makes an exaggerated gasp when he finds a tiny little graze. "Ah... where did this happen? You're so brave- it must've hurt, right?"

Min-Ho nods.

"Mhm... Well it looks like someone's waiting for you over there." San points over at Eun-Ji, who was watching from the climbing wall. Min-Ho jumps down from his brother's lap, suddenly better, and runs over.

San turns back to face you, and you realise you've been smiling at how wholesome the interaction was. "You're a good older brother."

San laughs, and gives a small, shy shrug. He clears his throat. "So um..... well, there's an ice cream stand right over there, a few seconds away. We can still see the kids from there so I was just wondering if- well if you'd like to go grab one with me?" He bites his lip slightly, awaiting a response.

You smile. "Sure, I would love to." He looks relieved, and stands up, beckoning you to do the same with a small tilt of his head.

You both walk over to the stand, keeping a close eye on your siblings as you do so.

"What would you like? It's on me." San looks down at you with big eyes.

You roll in your lips, hoping that you're not blushing. "Could I have.... strawberry? Thanks."

San turned to the server. "Could we please get one strawberry and one vanilla?" The woman scoops a generous portion into two tubs, and San takes hold of both, passing one to you, before thanking the server with a kind smile.

Slowly, you walk back to the bench, but halfway there, a strand of your hair gets blown by the wind, into your ice cream. Before you can do anything, San stops walking and edges his hand closer to your face. "Ah, careful." His long fingers gently take hold of the strand, and place it behind your ear.

"Thank you." You feel your cheeks warming up. All you could do was pray you weren't too red.

When you make it back to the bench, you both sit down, a little closer together this time, and carry on talking for 10 minutes or so. Although you had only known each other for around an hour, you felt you really knew San, and quite a bit about his life. All your time together had been spent talking about random everyday things, but it was fun, and he kept making some very amusing jokes.

Eventually, he checked the time on his watch. You couldn't help but notice that it looked kind of expensive.

"Oh... We should get going, Min-Ho has a tutoring lesson in half an hour." San bites his bottom lip, hesitating. "This has been really fun, I'm glad we got to spend this time together. It would've been a lot more boring coming to the park if you weren't here."

You can't help but smile. You were definitely blushing now. San starts to move his face closer to yours, and you mirror his actions. You close your eyes, and feel his soft, warm breath on you. His lips touch yours, turning into a gentle kiss. You place a hand on his shoulder, and he has one on your lower back. His kiss was amazing, it felt so passionate, even if it was gentle. When he pulls away, you're both beaming. Although it wasn't long, it felt so magical, and like everything around you had just melted away.

After looking deeply into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds, you snap back to reality. "You should probably go- I hope we can hang out again sometime soon?" You suggest, and he nods.

"Pass me your phone, I'll type in my number." You do so, and he quickly adds himself as a contact.
'Choi San'

"I'll call you." He says, smiling.

You give him a small wave, and he does the same, before he walks away to get Min-Ho, and then back to the car from which they had arrived in.

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